Your anime viewing journal

Space Brothers - Episode 11

Sonic Soldier Borgman - Episodes 1 - 3

A good and entertaining start, classic 80's powered suit anime along the lines of Tekkaman Blade/Guyver etc, not that original but who cares!!
Brother, Dear Brother... Episode 8 - 21

I am loving this show so much, its such a shame that its never been properly available. I am streaming it through Viki and am worried that soon I will catch up and have to wait a while between episodes :(

The characters are so much more complex than I expected, the relationships between the characters feel really intense.
watched gaugaigar disc 10 today

i was going to watch air gear disc 1 but i thought it be best if i started air gear along with an new series

Kiddy Grade disc 1 and 2
air gear disc 1


i dont know why but i keep avoiding air gear for some reason, not sure why but tomorrow will be perfect to watch both theres series
Started Cromartie High School last night, but it's just not funny. A couple of decent ideas for jokes but for a 10 minute show it's dreadfully slow.
I'm just going to shelf it.

Don't know whether to start rewatching Cowboy Bebop tonight or just hold off for Angel Beats, which I would've had by now if HMV hadn't messed up :x
Legend of the Legendary Heroes 1-3

I passed on this at the time as I'd heard it wasn't very good, but it seems like it might actually be a pretty solid show. The artwork is dreadfully generic and the characters have yet to show much originality, but (so-so opening ep aside) the story did hold my interest and seems like it might go to some darker places than its jolly exterior would have you believe.

Don't have time to stick with it for now, but I may come back to it.
Mobile Suit Gundam AGE - Episode 37

A really good character-centric episode, probably the best episode of Generation 3 so far.

Eureka Seven AO - Episode 10

That was a fantastic episode.
I just finished up Dusk Maiden of Amnesia. Not a bad series at all in the end even though it is mainly a comedy it has really quite a dark premiss.

Any way as I have some unused cruncyroll 48 hour passes because I have a membership (and never pass them on) here they are if anyone wants to check it out.

Shiki 4-12

I enjoyed the first 3 episodes of Shiki but since then the plot progression has been so laborious that my patience has been stretched to breaking point. And it's not as if there's any sense of mystery left--we know what's happening and who/what is behind it--nor any characters worth giving a damn about (they're all either thick as ****, completely OTT, or a non-entity), And what little atmosphere the show is able to generate is swifty cut down by some of the jankiest animation I've seen in a while.

I'd be better off watching Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust for the umpteenth time.

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