Your anime viewing journal

This weekend i watched Flowers Of Evil.

Now normally I devour a box set in one sitting, but I could only watch a few episodes of this at a time. It was certainly a difficult watch.

And you know, I can't really say whether I liked it or not.

I do applaud it for trying something different though. I can see why it divides opinion
Been playing catchup today.

Aldnoah.Zero s2ep3.

Death Parade ep3. I have absolutely no idea who was sent for reincarnation and who went into the abyss as I couldn't tell which lift was which. I also don't know why one of them was condemned at all as I didn't really see anything particularly wrong with either of them (or at least nothing that justified eternity in the abyss imo).

Durarara X2 s2ep2. Dropped. There's no point watching anymore until I can rewatch series 1 (when AL are done with the replacement BDs), I just don't remember who anyone is.

Gourmet Girls Graffiti ep3. Foodservice.

Saekano: How To Raise A Boring Girlfriend ep2. Looks promising.

Yona of the Dawn ep15. I really like the new OP and ED music tracks, but they don't really fit with the pictures which are mostly recycled from the previous OP/ED.
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Aldnoah Zero s2,ep3

I hope people give this show a bit of credit - I kind of feel like it's in danger of being seen poorly now because of what it did with its first season. Yes, there are so many faults with the show, but when it gets it right, it really gets it right. And I feel like this episode got a lot more right then it did wrong. Plus, the soundtrack is still incredible.

Saekano - ep 2

I can't decide if this show is actually incredibly clever and intellectual in its look at otaku culture and harem tropes, or if it's actually just total tick-box wish fulfilment. I suppose we'll see as the series progresses, but I'm enjoying it so far. The twin-tails attack thing from the first episode was still hilarious.

Durarara - I think this is definitely suffering from being very much a cold drop back into the show. It's hard to warm up to all the characters all over again, especially in a show as dense as this. It kind of feels like it needs to be watched straight after finishing series 1.
BanzaiJedi said:
Been playing catchup today.

Death Parade ep3. I have absolutely no idea who was sent for reincarnation and who went into the abyss as I couldn't tell which lift was which. I also don't know why one of them was condemned at all as I didn't really see anything particularly wrong with either of them (or at least nothing that justified eternity in the abyss imo).

I thought both of them were sent up for reincarnation? That's the impression I got anyhows
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