Your anime viewing journal

vashdaman said:
Ghost in the Shell Arise ep 2: Alright, I'm now pretty sure it's not just me, this is an absolute load of overly convoluted poo. So much frigging incomprehensible techno jargon which I'm not sure makes sense to real life techno nerds and hackers, but I personally do not find it entertaining to set through reams of totally indecipherable dialogue that is essentially gibberish to me.

"Well, I didn't think the first one was as hard to follow as all that, but I get that people often say it's a bit wor... HEY."

vashdaman said:
Bring back Oshii, he was the only one to ever really get it right.

Hunter x Hunter 6-10 - So i sat through another five episodes of this last night to get a feel of it all. Think it's a keeper. Mixed within that general shounen vibe that's definitely in there is a few hints of something darker than expected too, and i think that's whats pulling me in. Perhaps i'll get another 4-5 in tonight and see where that continues to take me
Gosick (Japanese Dub) - Episodes 13-15

62.5% done. I'll watch 16-18 later today. This arc was pretty interesting, reminds me of Fullmetal Alchemist heh.
Professor Irony said:

Are you implying you don't like Innocence? "If you awaken from this illusion, and you understand that black implies white, self implies other, life implies death - or shall I say, death implies life - you can conceive yourself" and you can conceive the brilliance of Oshii's movies.
It's not that I don't like Oshii's GitS, but given the choice between that and Kamiyama's SAC, I'd rather have the latter.

SAC I felt was both more accessible and ultimately more rewarding than Oshii's commendably cerebral but utterly dry vision.
Kamiyama's GitS needed more philosophical quotation. Seriously though, I do think Kamiyama's GitS is pretty dry too, it was just a bit more "cute" I guess in places, which meant that it sort of lacked the haunted and truly ghostly feel of oshii's movies, but still didn't really have all that much of a more engaging personality. E.G Matoko is no longer a haunted and depressive cybernetically enhanced super agent from the movie, but is basically just a sexually objectified plain ol insipid super agent. So it's in what feels like a sort of weird middle ground for me, but I'd probably rather one or the other.
I find SAC unwatchable and Oshii's movies ok; the first GitS movie was an experience which has always stuck with me. I'm not getting Arise as I suspect it won't contain the elements I'm looking for.

Heavy Metal L-Gaim - Episode 46

Silver Will Argelvollen - Episode 9

A good 'war is hell' episode.

Patlabor: The Next Generation - Episode 0

Not anime per se but very relevant IMO. I liked this simple introduction a lot and I hope the rest gets fansubbed in the near future!!
vashdaman said:
Seriously though, I do think Kamiyama's GitS is pretty dry too, it was just a bit more "cute" I guess in places, which meant that it sort of lacked the haunted and truly ghostly feel of oshii's movies, but still didn't really have all that much of a more engaging personality.

Crucially, did you watch, or attempt to watch, both seasons?

Rui said:
I find SAC unwatchable

How so? I've seen negative reactions to it before, but nothing so strong as 'unwatchable'.
Yeah of course I watched it. I even managed to convince myself I loved it for a while, as everyone was saying it was the best thing since sliced bread. I remember when I bought 2nd gig on dvd, it came with a pamphlet explaining how it was a modern masterpiece, haha, such a great strategy. Then I realized I was deluding myself, and I really enjoyed it very little. I found it bland , and to be neither here nor there, Ghost not in the Shell, if you will.

Rui, read that last line, give it a minute or two to sink in, and then tell me you don't want me to be the new writer of Aldnoah Zero!
Read or Die Episodes 8-18

Entertaining stuff, was happy to see Yomiko returnbut then i've honestly found myself annoyed at her character and thinking the UK Library is in the right, but maybe they have ulterior motives that are more dastardly than revealed so far
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