Your anime viewing journal

Aldnoah.Zero 8

It took two months, but **** has finally hit the fan. I'm sorry for doubting you based Urobuchi.
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Sword Art Online II 8


Ohohohohohoho. I like that reference.
M3 The Dark Metal - Episode 18

Heavy Metal L-Gaim - Episodes 33 & 34

L-Gaim moves into top gear and Leccee gets her foxy make over!!
Tokyo Resonance eps 1-7: Have to say, I finding this to be formulaic Bourne-lite/Dark Angel style derivative techno thriller fodder. Slick animation yes, but all in all, this is easily the weakest thing I've seen from Watanabe yet. It's just so uninspired. To be fair, I actually did have hope for it for the first couple episodes, but at this point it's become so formulaic, cliched, and utterly silly, I'm almost ready to drop it. At first I thought I was watching something eerie, haunted, chilling and realistic, but now I realize I'm essentially watching bloody Dark Angel, but it's not 2002 anymore and I'm not impressed. Watanabe man, you're regressing.

EDIT: I wrote my post before I ever saw this, but I see I'm not the only one to make the Dark Angel comparison :lol:
ilmaestro said:
Zankyou no Terror e.5 - Hmm. I thought this went in an odd direction. Feels way closer to some Dark Angel style nonsense than the borderline-realism of the first four episodes. Very much remains to be seen if Five's appearance will be a net positive for the show.
Haven't seen 5-7, but I'm kind of with you on that one man. Not calling it a case of Emperor's new clothes or anything, but I feel like if the series existed in a different medium, like if it were a western graphic novel or a live-action tv series, it would be pretty unremarkable.