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NormanicGrav said:
vashdaman said:
Aldnoah zero ep 7: Well that bit at the end made Aldnoah zero sense. They really need to hire a better writer (like me! peep the wordplay in the previous sentence!).

I had that exact reaction but if you think about it they just met each other, Inaho has no idea whether Slaine could be trusted despite helping him out during that fight. When Inaho found out Slaine knew the Princess was alive he was sceptical because it could be possible that he (& everyone) could be betrayed (not to mention Slaine attacked first & the enemy is tracing Slaine's movements which would make things worse). In our perspective (the audience) we know that he is also a good guy but from Inaho & everybody else's perspective they see him as the enemy. I'm probably rambling about nothing but that is what I believe happened with that bit at the end.

Please don't take this personally vash but I'm really glad you're not the writer! ^^;

I thought that the ending was awesome. Inaho is really calculating and mature, and while I'd have loved a group hug ending with poor Slaine being taken in, no questions asked, it would have completely ruined the show's message. These guys have narrowly escaped extermination several times and the princess is the key to the entire war; what reason does Inaho have to believe that Slaine is acting on anything other than orders from another Martian faction trying to take out one of their rivals?

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Yeah I understand you guy/gals' points, but let me give you a breakdown of why I thought the whole thing was handled really strangely: there is no reason why Slain couldn't have just said "don't worry mate, calm down, I knew she was alive because I saw her at the bridge, and I'm fugitive from those bastards too" ya know something reasonable like that instead of thinking "****, ****, should I explain myself like a normal person, nah, I'll just look shifty and refuse to answer his question, sweet thinking Slain you Richard Gere looking handsome genius". And Inaho was written just a bizarrely, when Slain asked him if he was going to exploit the Princess why on earth would he think it appropriate to answer with " Do you have a problem with that?", like, yeah, way to go Inaho, way to totally lack a understanding of other people's perspectives.

And there are so many hammy unnatural moments like that, eg, the commander woman a couple episodes ago after her "I have a strong dislike for you, as you killed, no, murdered, my brother" moment, that IS NOT the kind of appropriate thing a normal person would say, even in that situation (albeit I don't know the full deets yet admittedly)! And the way the king of Vers swayed like a bamboo tree. One minute calm, thoughtful, reasonable, the next minute "WE WAGE WAR ON ALL YOU HUMAN SCUM" :lol: . What the hell??

Rant over. I'm looking forward to next week's ep guys.
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Sword Art Online II 7:

Here's the episode summed up:
Shinkawa: I want to hug you and talk about feelings!
Sinon: Shut up - I want to play a game!
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Terror in Resonance - Episode 6

Any worries I had from episode 5 were quickly dispelled, a great episode with fantastic music throughout.

Heavy Metal L-Gaim - Episodes 31 & 32
Black Butler: Book of Circus Episode 6
Sword Art Online II Episode 7
Aldnoah.Zero Episode 7

I enjoyed all of these, but my wee laptop certainly struggled through them!