Your anime viewing journal

Heavy Metal L-Gaim - Episode 23

Transformers: The Movie (Blu-ray)

A simple but still very enjoyable film (I saw it at the cinema twice in 1985, so it is somewhat of a nostalgia trip for me) and Madman have done a first class job on the transfer for this Blu-ray release.
Rail Wars (Japanese Dub) - Episode 3
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Stardust Crusaders (Japanese Dub) - Episodes 18 & 19
Tokyo Ghoul (Japanese Dub) - Episode 6
Terror in Resonance (Japanese Dub) - Episode 5

Now slowly catching up with the simulcasts (Rail Wars Episode 4 is still not free yet). I have Akame ga Kill, Aldnoah.Zero, Haikyuu!! & Sword Art Online II left then I'm up to date.
One Piece movies 1-3

The first is the weakest, the second the best and the third a mixed bag.

With their running length and animation standard they felt more like TV specials than movies.

Interesting that each movie sees the introduction of an additional crew member and also to hear the original Japanese voice cast on the show.
JJBA: Stardust Crusaders ep19

Was Araki viciously mauled by a dog as a child or something? Gee whiz.

At any rate, Death-13 seems like the most unnerving opponent stand thus far. That was some Dario Argento level stuff right there.
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M3 The Dark Metal - Episode 16

The sudden plot explanation dump near the end of the series episode!! And about as subtle as a sledgehammer!!

Silver Will Argevollen - Episode 6

A good character-centric episode.

Heavy Metal L-Gaim - Episode 24

The plot continues to thicken!
To Love Ru Darkness 6-11

So the question is, when I sit down to watch the last episode tomorrow will I get a good conclusion to the plot arc that they've been working on or is it going to cheap out on me (and we know the on going stuff will be forever on going)
Free! Eternal Summer - Episode 6
Tokyo Ghoul - Episode 6
Persona 4: The Golden Animation - Episode 5
Jojo's Bizarre Adventure - Episodes 10 - 15
Jojo's Bizarre Stardust Crusade - Episodes 6 - 13
Tokyo Ghoul e.6 - One episode a week just isn't enough. From the point of view of sheer enjoyment during 22 minutes of viewing each week, this show might be the best this season.

Zankyou no Terror e.5 - Hmm. I thought this went in an odd direction. Feels way closer to some Dark Angel style nonsense than the borderline-realism of the first four episodes. Very much remains to be seen if Five's appearance will be a net positive for the show.

Rokujyouma e.5 - Rokujyouma is as Rokujyouma does. I think I only comment on this each week in an attempt to remind myself to drop it.

Tokyo ESP e.5 - Nice boat.
Aldnoah Zero 6

Still delivering the goods with entertainment every week. Inaho never fails to make me laugh with his deadpan-ness.

Highlights for me included Slaine making a Batman escape with a grappling hook whilst getting shot by martians, Inaho saying 'I'm fine' whilst upside down, and the continued excellence of Hiroyuki Sawano's soundtrack. Nice to have a bit more focus on Marito too this week. Intrigued to see where the story goes from here now that Slaine has arrived.
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