Your anime viewing journal

Lawrence said:
so Locoldol rubs me the right way, in that sense
In which sense? o_O

Jokes aside, great impressions, really enjoyed reading them.

Extremely pleased to read your appreciation for Gankutsuou, a legit GOAT contender in my eyes (both the novel, which is still my personal number two, and the anime, which is probably somewhere top five).
ayase said:
vashdaman said:
Patlabor OVA 1: Pretty good opening ep but I need to watch more obviously. Will get back to ya'll soon.
I do hope you enjoy it after my championing it. I don't want to have to try and contain that feeling of incredulity that someone with such ordinarily good taste can possibly not enjoy something so awesome, like I failed to that time Fabio didn't like the Gunsmith Cats manga.

Haha, good taste, me? Thanks! I do think I'll enjoy it, I have a good feeling about it. Was going to watch some tonight but failed to get around to it. Will probably watch some tomorrow and write my thoughts.
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The Devil is a Part-Timer! (English Dub) - Episodes 1 & 2

The dub is surprisingly good (better than the way Date A Live was done). It looks like they kept the realm language for the dub which makes it even funnier (this is my first time watching the series in case you're asking).

Blu-ray quality is amazing (as well as the Limited Edition artbox itself), looks like they treated this series very well.
Jormungand 9-12

Even better the second time round. Everything about Jormungand just clicks for me. One of the characters having my name as one of their nicknames is awesome too :p
Code Geass season 2 episodes 1-11

A series so good that I cannot help but marathon episodes at a time. 6 last night 5 tonight. I'll have it done by the weekend if I keep this up. A show I doubted id like so never bought at full price but now has wormed its way in to my favourite show list.
Kill La Kill - Episodes 1 - 4 (Dub)

I've Got to admit, I went in expecting little to nothing from the dub, but I came out surprisingly impressed with it. Bang Zoom did a very good job with the voice casting and the script for this one, and so far I'd say it's definitely worth re watching with the dub. Surprisingly Senketsu didn't turn out as bad as I thought it'd be either.