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JJBA: Stardust Crusaders ep16

After Hol Horse's warning last week, I really thought that Enya would have had more to do before kicking the bucket. Oh well.

Can't see Steely Dan not being popular with the fujoshi crowd.

Edit: At least now I also know how to buy a kebab in Pakistan.
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Henati Prince and the Stony Cat Ep. 10-12 - Fairy decent conclusion to an enjoyable show.

As for 12 Eps on one BD, there seemed to be occasional banding issues, though this seems fairly standard nowadys and I believe can be attributed to them upping the brightness?
Ground Control to Psychoelectric Girl (Japanese Dub) - Episode 9

Now we are introduced to the character in the space suit.


Sword Art Online II (Japanese Dub) - Episode 3

Much better than the previous episodes (this one got me more hooked than the first two for some reason). I question how the BBFC would react with that scene where
a young Shion (not sure on the age though [apparently she was 9]) shoots a thief three times (one in the end) during the flashback, it's self defence in all fairness but it could cause a controversy on their end though (*plays Kids with Guns song*).
It's fine in America because MURICA!
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Sword Art Online II Episode 3
For some reason, this episode felt shorter. Probably because unlike the previous two, it shared its time between Kirito and Sinon. I loved the first half of the episode but the second was a bit eh. Pervy nurse? 0.o

Aldnoah.Zero Episode 3
Well, that was interesting. About time the Princess outed herself, although I have to wonder why she didn't do that y'know, from the beginning..
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SAO - season two, ep 3

The first half of the ep was *dark* - still impressing me every week with how far the show has come in terms of tone, depth and maturity since series 1. Today's ep almost felt like a totally different show at times. LOL at the pervy nurse though. Pretty sure this ep would get a 15 at least, maybe even an 18 if it came over here.

Agreed re. Aldnoah potentially being the show of the season so far though.
Sword Art Online II- Episode 3
Aldnoah.Zero- Episode 3

Loved both these episodes! I think I'd probably agree with Aldnoah.Zero being my favourite this season, I'm glad I've chose to join in this time ^_^ really enjoying myself!
Gintama (Japanese Dub) - Episodes 33, 34 & 35

Episodes 34 and 35 are on my list of 'Favourite Gintama episodes' (atm the other one I enjoyed a lot was 28). Just pure gold.
Glasslip 1-3: Seems like it has the potential to be a decent show. Beautiful artwork and the supernatural elements are the strongest pulls for me so far. I doubt it will be something special, but seems like something worth sticking with for sure. Especially as slice of life + supernatural **** is my perfect combo.

Patlabor OVA 1: Pretty good opening ep but I need to watch more obviously. Will get back to ya'll soon.
Space Dandy II - Episode 3 (DUB)

Well that episode was certainly... different... Turns out the director was Masaaki Yuasa (Ping Pong, Kick Heart, Tatami Galaxy), so that explains the animation style.
I'm also increasingly impressed with the dub each week. I wish Funi's dubbing efforts for the rest of their immediate releases were as good.