Your anime viewing journal

Shigurui: Death Frenzy (English Dub via Manga UK BD) - Episodes 9, 10, 11 and 12

Although I'm disappointed the last episode doesn't solve some events that the first episode provided, it was on the other hand a unique and mature series. Worth a watch if you like violence and slow pacing.

The events from the series do continue by reading the manga (which is finished) but I don't think it was localised.
Gundam Build Fighters - Episode 8

Valvrave the Liberator - Episode 20

Dead Heat

An entertaining 30 minutes of robot racing from the 80's. Apparently the first 3D anime on LD, so after some playing with the 3D settings on my TV I have say the 3D was actually quite effective and added convincing depth to the action.
Beyond the Boundary (Japanese Dub via Animax UK) - Episode 9
Kill la Kill (Japanese Dub via Wakanim UK) - Episode 9
Samurai Flamenco (Japanese Dub via Wakanim UK) - Episode 8

Why do I get the feel the quality of the animation has decreased a bit in this episode..
Honestly I'm slightly disappointed about the direction this show is going but I could probably compare it to Batman's universe where there's going to be supernatural enemies and real enemies at the same time. I hope Flamenco fights an enemy military organisation/mech like the opening intro.
Perfect Blue (English Dub via All the Anime BD) - Film

First of, I had never seen this film before.

Second, that ending... Wat. What just happened? Was it an illusion? Wat WAHT?

I liked this film, the guy is completely different to the cover box I'd admit that.. WAIT A MINUTE.

this tune still creeps me out everytime I hear it, STAHP!

Just noticed they repeat the credits when you finish the film; the original Japanese Credits with the lyrics then the English Credits without the Credits. CREDITCEPTION, wait this isn't Paprika.
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NormanicGrav said:
Perfect Blue (English Dub via All the Anime BD) - Film

First of, I had never seen this film before.

Second, that ending... Wat. What just happened? Was it an illusion? Wat WAHT?

I liked this film, the guy is completely different to the cover box I'd admit that.. WAIT A MINUTE.

this tune still creeps me out everytime I hear it, STAHP!

Just noticed they repeat the credits when you finish the film; the original Japanese Credits with the lyrics then the English Credits without the Credits. CREDITCEPTION, wait this isn't Paprika.

It's quite the film, the one thing you may not realise when you go into it is that Kon doesn't make dream and reality seperate entities, as such things meld together. Things may seem confusing, but it's done very much deliberately, and to great affect to.
As for the ending Basically her assistant had taken on the Mima persona, to the point that Mima starts to wonder if that's actually who she is and if she's doing everything she says, etc. It drives her to the point of mental exhaustion. You could also look at it as the illusion was never what Mima saw, but what Rumi saw herself as. So her "dream" of herself.
There is quite a bit too it, but yeah. Might make more sense on a second watch.

On topic, I got in Hajime no Ippo Episode 9 last night. Another good episode, this series seems to be a little better than S2 was already. Ok the next guy to fight seems like a carbon copy of another fighter from S2, but i expect it'll be a good fight.
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Dannielle said:
Arbalest said:
Samurai Flamenco Episode 8 - So they went for going with it. Ok, i was iffy on it, but it's certainly not as bad as i expected it. Maybe it's down to the fact that, while adding a more "serious" tone, there is a lot of humour thrown in it. Not only that, but the targets of the bad guys are all feel very much what i'd connect to a childs idea of evil. Outwith the guillotine gorilla, we had one stealing all the apples and one about to poison the city to make them never stop gossiping. It doesn't feel "threatening". There is still something "off" about it all i feel, i just can't put my finger on what.

Pure speculation but ..

I have this feeling that the director has something to do with it, he seems hell bent on finding out SF's identity and he's mentioned more than once that he has a ton of money to throw around so creating a league of villains to expose SF wouldn't be something I'd put past him. Everything that happened could be put down to actors, CGI, special effects etc etc ..sorta. Its a theory anyhows.

Otherwise, I quite like the idea of it being real, the thought that SF's "master" isn't off helping charity's, etc but fighting monsters is sorta cool to me, same with his parents possibly being superheroes who were murdered by the villains.

Samurai Flamenco Episode 8 - See, I really could see the whole thing being staged. The series makes out that this is a completely normal Japan after all, you'd never expect monsters to suddenly be introduced. The way its done it all works out that it could have quite easily been staged, and as mentioned above it makes sense that the directory could be behind it. The only thing that throws me off is that the cops got killed, you couldn't really stage that could you?

But then the monsters don't seem to be anything too serious either, so maybe it really is being staged. Guess we shall see~

Strike the Blood Episode 8

Log Horizon Episodes 2 to 6 - Really enjoying this one, kinda regret stalling it for a bit after watching the first episode. It's a lot like Sword Art Online, but it has somewhat better pacing and deals with a lot of stuff better than SAO does. At least it tries its best to explain everything and it's set in an interesting world, so can't really fault it. ^^
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Guyver: Out of Control

Gloriously violent and misogynistic as only an 80's OVA can be. It's a good stand alone OVA with some very nice detailing on the Guyvers but the story is simplistic and obviously lacks all of the background of the later series due to its short run time.

Space Brothers - Episode 84
Another ep 3-12 *complete* & special. Really good horror/psychological thriller, I expect to watch this again in a year or two.
Pokemon: Black & White - Decolora Adventures ep 11-12.
Also the three adverts Makoto Shinkai did for Taisei Corp.
Over the Weekend:
Golden Time - Episode 9
Blazblue Alter Memory - Episode 8
Kyoukai no Kanata - Episode 9
Psycho Pass - Episodes 1 - 14 (Rewatch)

Nichibros - Episodes 7 - 12 (END)
Binbougami Ga! - Episodes 1 - 5 (Dub)

I love the dub for "Good Luck Girl". I haven't seen it subbed so I don't have anything to compare to, but I feel absolutely no reason to switch to the Japanese track. It's pretty well done. It's a shame that Funi cocked up the OP/ED otherwise this release would have been perfect. Even the Artbox is amazing.
Black Lagoon: Roberta's Blood Trail ep 1-5 *complete*. Not as good as the main series but still great for Black Lagoon fans. There's lots of character building so the pace feels slower but still has plenty of action. The plot is really confusing to keep track of and I didn't really get what happened in the last episode, but I still enjoyed it overall

Starting today I will be rewatching Madoka Magica. I didn't really get what was so special about it the first time I watched it, seemed fairly average to me, so I'm hoping that the second viewing will help me realize what all the fuss is about.