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Guyver: The Bioboosted Armor - Episodes 16 - 18

These episodes have been brilliant, can't wait to see how it continues.

Valvrave the Liberator - Episode 18

I'm really enjoying Valvrave, it's nice to see that Sunrise can still produce 'proper' mecha anime.

Coppelion - Episode 7
Fujiko Mine is much more in tone with the earlier Green Jacket episodes (episodes 1-6), whereas Cagliostro is much more in tone with episodes 7-23, which had involment by Hayao Miyazaki and Isao Takahata, which is why Lupin is much more gentlemanly and silly compared to the hardedged earlier episodes, which were more like Monkey Punch's original manga. Mystery of Mamo could probably be considered the most faithful adaption of the original manga's tone till Fujiko Mine came around.
Professor Irony said:
Mangaranga said:
EDIT: What actually happened with Oscar and Zenigata in the last episode? Did they actually follow up on that or am I already forgetting something already?

As far as I can remember, no - it's never resolved. Oscar survives, but there's no further indication of his eventual fate.

Also, if you're going straight from the Fujiko series to Cagliostro, be prepared for quite a stark contrast in tone...
I remember the contrast from when I went from Cagliostro to Mamo xD
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Cowboy Bebop - Episodes 14 - 26 (Dub)

Next of my list of shows to complete - Cowboy Bebop.
Oh boy what a ride that was. I can't believe that I put off watching the second half of this show so many times - even with the old Beez DVD set.
This show definitely deserves to be regarded as highly as it is.

So after watching something that good, next up is...

Sword Art Online - Episodes 15 + 16 (Dub)

Mixed thought's on Suguha's voice. Sometimes it's okay, other times it's really annoying.
Some of the lines of dialogue are also questionable and annoying, as is also the case in the first half of the series.
Professor Irony said:
Also, if you're going straight from the Fujiko series to Cagliostro, be prepared for quite a stark contrast in tone...

Which Lupin series/movie would you personally recommend that I go into next if it's not Cagliostro, Professor?
Mangaranga said:
Professor Irony said:
Also, if you're going straight from the Fujiko series to Cagliostro, be prepared for quite a stark contrast in tone...

Which Lupin series/movie would you personally recommend that I go into next if it's not Cagliostro, Professor?

If you can tolerate older animation, I'd recommend the original 1971 TV show, as it's the only old one that you can find in good quality, it's legally available in English, and has a nice balance of both dark elements and comedy.

If your looking for movies, check out Episode 0: First Contact, as thats a very welcoming introduction to the franchise, and is available by Discotek Media, who are the best company when it comes to Lupin III.
Actually, I would have said Mamo myself, as the UK release can be had very cheaply and it's less of a commitment than buying the set for series 1. Although it's still quite adult, I don't feel it's as full-on as the Fujiko series and certainly shows the more playful side of the franchise too.

I do rate the 71 series, but I know some people who've come into it and felt let down by the episodic plot-lines compared to the relative sophistication of the films. Personally, I feel it's better to watch Mamo and Cagliostro, then go back to the 71 season if you're interested to see where they evolved from.
noir 20-23 rewatch
GiTS:SAC 2nd GIG 5-8 rewatch
Shana Season 2 21-24 to finish a series I enjoyed but which sometimes was a bit too much high school rom/com rather than Flame Haze/Denizen based. More of a single story and less denizen of the week than season 1.
Pokémon Origins 2
Cristina Vee and Christine Marie Cabanos accounted for!

This episode was amazing and I am so glad that somewhere finally adapted the Mother Marowak story.

I really wish TPCi used this much effort when dubbing the main TV anime.
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Joshawott said:
Pokémon Origins 2
Cristina Vee and Christine Marie Cabanos accounted for!
A Fellow Vee 'Stalker'? :D
If I'm honest though, sometimes when I hear a character that one of them voices, I can't tell whether it's Vee or Cabanos.
It's like they're voice twins or something...

I agree with you on the whole Origins dub too. It's pretty good, and a nice surprise considering it's Pokemon.
If the voice cast was this good for the main TV series I might actually watch it.
Mangaranga said:
Joshawott said:
Pokémon Origins 2
Cristina Vee and Christine Marie Cabanos accounted for!
A Fellow Vee 'Stalker'? :D
If I'm honest though, sometimes when I hear a character that one of them voices, I can't tell whether it's Vee or Cabanos.
It's like they're voice twins or something...

I agree with you on the whole Origins dub too. It's pretty good, and a nice surprise considering it's Pokemon.
If the voice cast was this good for the main TV series I might actually watch it.
*hugs my Madoka poster that's signed by Cristina Vee*.
I just watch so much things with them in that I can recognise them instantly.

Now, I just hope that TPCi bother to give Origins a home video release. Preferably on Blu-ray (as Japan is getting it on BD), but they don't give anywhere not named Japan or Australia blu-rays for the movies as it is.