Your anime viewing journal

Kill La Kill - Episode 4
Kyoukai no Kanata - Episodes 4 + 5
Samurai Flamenco - Episode 3

So that's everything caught up with from last week other than Golden Time... Kyoani's got a minor animation derp to fix from the EP6 preview for next week though.
I do have to say though, the forth episode of Kill La Kill is probably the best thing I have seen for a while.
Guyver: The Bioboosted Armor - Episodes 4 - 6

Valvrave the Liberator - Episode 16

A really, really good episode.

Coppelion - Episode 4

There are some great ideas in Coppelion that are comprised by really mediocre writing.

Gundam Build Fighters - Episode 4

I'm beginning to have fun with this now.