State Alchemist
I don't know if that's fair, on any count. AIC have a huge string of hit shows (purely critically with no likelihood of sales success, as well as either just commercially, or both) stretching back years. They're just a pretty huge multi-team studio, so they also end up doing some dross like R-15 and SoraOto (imagine picking a large book publisher and blithely saying "most of the books they've printed are quite poor" - it's almost too easy, but do you then ignore all the great books they might have published?). Quite a few people even like SoraOto!Lawrence said:Personally, I was semi-surprised that AIC actually had the balls to adapt this, after watching last weeks episode.
Don't get me wrong, but it's not exactly my favourite studio. Mostly because most of their existing works are quite poor. Also I imagine them to be money grubbing
So naturally Jinrui doesn't quite seem like the kind of thing that they'd choose to adapt considering that some effort was put into the writing of the original material.
As a bare minimum, any studio that will take on Sasameki Koto and Hourou Musuko (and allow them to be done amazingly well) is hardly looking for the easy road all the time.
As far as quality goes, even if you want to argue the toss over some of AIC's shows, the guys directing and scripting this have their own resume, again to use a similar example to the previous one it would be like pre-judging a new movie from Clint Eastwood based on whether Universal or Warner Brothers happened to be producing it.
Is this the new thing (not you, specifically) to just criticize animation houses left, right and center? I guess complaining on the internet will never be "the new thing", but it really does boggle the mind at times what people actually expect - every single thing has to be 10/10 amazing or else a studio sucks?! (Never mind comparing something like JinTai to HxH, since that is a very separate and weird issue)