Your anime viewing journal

FourthLion said:
On Haruhi season 2, episode 8.

I really didn't expect to hate Endless Eight. I thought y'all were fussing over nothing. But seriously... What. Is. The. Point?
If I remember correctly, isn't MangaUK's release on 3 discs? Does that mean the entire second disc is Endless Eight? =3.
FourthLion said:
On Haruhi season 2, episode 8.

I really didn't expect to hate Endless Eight. I thought y'all were fussing over nothing. But seriously... What. Is. The. Point?
+1 to the number of people who can see that the Emperor is in fact naked.
FourthLion said:
Entire second disc and most of the first... I'm glad I only paid about £6 for the series...
I paid £20 - but I also got the first volume of Haruhi-chan/Nyoron Churuyu with it.

What I might do is just watch the first and third discs. I think 2-3 episodes would have been enough to get the message of Endless Eight across....8 was just too much. In fact, didn't Beez not license The Disappearance because they could only get it in a bundle with season 2 and they didn't want season 2?
In my view, at the time of airing, the final episode of Endless Eight made up for the previous 6 weeks of repetitions. The two months of waiting did make it feel like being trapped in an endless repetition of time. It doesn't work so well when you're watching the series on DVD and can burn through the episodes in 2-3 hours.

With hindsight, I have to admit that it's a little frustrating that it got eight full episodes and stories like Snowy Mountain Syndrome have to remain unanimated.
Hyouka eps 5-9

Alrighty time to try and get back into this. I really enjoyed the end to the first arc, although 6 and 7 felt weird being kind of stand alone episodes. 8 and 9 have started a new arc which I'm really enjoying, but it really needs more Irisu.
FourthLion said:
On Haruhi season 2, episode 8.

I really didn't expect to hate Endless Eight. I thought y'all were fussing over nothing. But seriously... What. Is. The. Point?

I didn't have any problem watching the Endless Eight part of Season 2. I watched the entire season, an episode or two per night for a couple of weeks.

Current viewing,
Baccano Episode 3
Joshawott said:
In fact, didn't Beez not license The Disappearance because they could only get it in a bundle with season 2 and they didn't want season 2?

This is what happened here in Italy, who wanted the movie had to buy also season 2, so no movie for us. Guess that deal was the same for the UK.

I'm working my way through my MVM deal of the week backlog right now. Just finished Witchblade last night, I'm at episode 8 of Moribito and will start on Fate/Stay Night tonight.
Kokoro Connect 4

Anime of the season here. Also, thanks Inaba for that lovely thought food.
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Hyouka eps 10-11

Uwah~ I thought that ten was a really good episode...And then eleven happend. This was another excellent end to an arc and again I really hope that's not the last we see of Irisu as she was becoming more and more interesting as we went along. It was really weird to see Houtarou really out of sorts and not actually himself. I was kind of surprised at the flak that he was taking from Mayaka and Satoshi. It seemed...Harsher then it needed to be, although maybe that's what he needed to be broken away from Irisu's spell. His anger was also very surprising considering how calm and energy-less we've seen him in the past.
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MercenaryRaiden said:
Hyouka eps 10-11

Uwah~ I thought that ten was a really good episode...And then eleven happend. This was another excellent end to an arc and again I really hope that's not the last we see of Irisu as she was becoming more and more interesting as we went along. It was really weird to see Houtarou really out of sorts and not actually himself. I was kind of surprised at the flak that he was taking from Mayaka and Satoshi. It seemed...Harsher then it needed to be, although maybe that's what he needed to be broken away from Irisu's spell. His anger was also very surprising considering how calm and energy-less we've seen him in the past.

It was such a fantastic arc to watch i found. Seeing a new side to Houtarou in it was pretty nice, and i found that this arc pretty much defined what Hyouka was about properly, and why i watch it.

Speaking of! Hyouka Episode 15

Now we're delving into the midst of the new arc. I'm enjoying this a lot, and it's not for the same reasons as the previous one. This arc opens a lot up in regards to Mayaka, Fukube and Chitanda, and it almost feels well overdue. We always got a lot of Houtarou, but now we can see the jealously of Fukube towards Houtarou, Mayaka and her battle with the Manga Soc and Chitanda possibly trying to hard. Sure i make it sound rather weak, but the execution is there, and it's great to watch.
So i'm very much going to look forward to next weeks episode.

Space Brothers Episode 18 - I don't have much else to say that i haven't said already. It's pretty fantastic. Also, Dat Dance.
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Watching Hyouka has put a bigger smile on my face than all but an elite handful of shows, and makes me wonder again how KyoAni managed to select something as relatively inconsistent as Nichijou for their previous series.

Watching the character interactions (primarily in the way they revolved around Houtarou, but also as they have branched off into their own little "side stories" in this current arc) is truly a sight to behold.

MercenaryRaiden said:
although 6 and 7 felt weird being kind of stand alone episodes
Yes, I didn't hate that we had to wait between arcs, but the anime-original episode in particular stood out like a sore thumb.

Joshawott said:
K-ON!! Episodes 1-2

So there I was with lil Luke watching K-ON!! (the episode where Ritsu has a hissy fit about wanting to "shine"). During the scene where she's in her room with her drum sticks, drumming on her school books like mad, I suddenly hear Mum ask "Did she sell her drum kit?".
Haha, excellent.

Lawrence said:
Joshawott said:
Kokoro Connect 3

Yup, this show rules now.

EDIT: Sword Art Online

Just wait till chapter 16.5 is adapted.
From what I know, this doesn't seem likely to happen. Right?

ayase said:
FourthLion said:
On Haruhi season 2, episode 8.

I really didn't expect to hate Endless Eight. I thought y'all were fussing over nothing. But seriously... What. Is. The. Point?
+1 to the number of people who can see that the Emperor is in fact naked.
-1 to the people who are so concerned about the Emperor that they have failed to notice their own wardrobe malfunction.
Accel World e.16 - Endou Aya nails Sky Raker imo, playing a beautiful and controversial character just right. I'm enjoying the show more every week, just hoping Seiji gets the snot beaten out of him pretty soon. :)