Umineko no Naku Koro ni: Episodes 17-26 (Complete, I guess)
WUT. Either I'm too stupid for this show or it's too stupid for me, I'm willing to entertain both possibilities. But I can't claim that was a particularly enjoyable experience. I knew going into Umineko that it seems very unfavourably compared to the VN it's based on, but then VN fans are like that with everything and said the same thing about Higurashi. Personally I got bored of the first episode of the Higurashi VN when for about the third time in the first few hours of play it was just
describing a bloody game for a length of time that would feel tedious to an endless witch. I much preferred the anime breezing through such scenes in a couple of minutes rather than having to cookie clicker my way through reading about it for half an hour.
So perhaps that's why I never found Beatrice and Battler's "game" very compelling either. Certainly not by the end, at the point Battler was throwing out theories to which Beatrice was just responding
"Ha, that's so stupid and wrong, I'm not going to tell you why or what really happened, but you can just have this round for free anyway, I'm that confident of victory. OH NO! I've lost! How could this happen!?" Way to turn a character who was shown to be competent, manipulative and highly dangerous into an absolute idiot at the last second. One thing I wasn't fully aware of is that this series only adapts the first half of the VN, which means I'm not actually getting any answers,
ever. Unless I read a 150+ hour VN that will probably bore me to tears if it's full of this bloody "game".
This last batch of episodes was so all over the place in terms of both storytelling and my attitude towards the show. I thought with the time-skip and the introduction of Ange (and some old friends) we were finally getting closer to answers following something more akin to a regular investigation. The focus on Maria also started to make things clearer. But no, then it all went so incredibly weird that I don't even understand the timeline any more.
How can Maria become a witch and kill her mother before the events on the island, where she wants to become a witch and her mother is still alive? If as (sort of) previously established (except in the case of Ange, it seems, more confusion) Maria and witch!Maria are different entities like Eva and Beatrice 3, that still doesn't explain the out-of-sync matricide. How could Beatrice appear to Maria and teach her witchcraft prior to the events on the island, wasn't the whole point of the murder-sacrifices the show is literally based around to allow her to manifest herself in the world again because she couldn't do that? In the end Ange's arc created more questions than it answered. And don't even get me started on Sakutarō.
The basic idea behind Umineko, that of a murder house mystery with supernatural reasons behind it, the setting that has been created, the worldbuilding that's gone into it and the links to Higurashi all have so much potential. But the whole thing is dragged down by so much unnecessary convolution and little to no development time for the majority of its bloated cast of characters including Battler, the protagonist who even after 26 episodes I couldn't tell you much about apart from "likes boobies, is living proof denial is not just a river in Egypt". And the characters I did find compelling (Beatrice, Maria and... that's about it. Maybe Kinzo, even though we didn't see a whole lot of him at least what I did see was intriguing) seemed to have their established characters thrown out the window at the last second.
In Higurashi, mysteries were created by omission. It was what you
didn't know or
didn't see which, when gradually revealed, all eventually made sense in a pleasing manner. Umineko seems to want to create mystery by obfuscation, by showing you things that may or may not have happened without bothering to delineate between fact and theory, only doing so via the process of the "game" which, to my mind at least, is just a failure as a storytelling device. I started by comparing Umineko to
And Then There Were None, but it's more like watching a production of that story that keeps cutting to a commentary box as though it's half time at a football game. The show didn't really do anything to make me care about Battler (or most of his family) so I didn't care if he lost. In fact since I liked Beatrice more
(and Maria, particularly after she went full "Give me the power to f*ck sh*t up" I had a grin a mile wide, it's a real shame Sakutarō ex machina kept her from her rightful destiny) I actually found myself hoping that he
would lose. And frankly, if you've managed to make me root for the villain against the protagonist something has gone very wrong somewhere with your writing. In a word, disappointing. Maybe Higurashi Kira will cheer me up.