Your anime viewing journal

Oblivion Battery episode 11 Superhero.

Rinkai! episode 12 Motivation. (Complete. An unremarkable and fairly bland sports anime that I hoped would pick up but the cast and narrative remained rather unmemorable throughout.) 2.5/5

Saint Tail
episodes 40-43 (Complete. A very enjoyable shoujo series that remained charming throughout.) 4/5

Sakura Wars: The Movie (Film)
A decent film entry for the SW franchise. 3/5

Sayonara, Zetsubou-Sensei
episodes 1-6
Fate/Zero Episodes 11-25 COMPLETE (REWATCH, English dubbed) - Beautifully tragic series, I'm glad I finally got around to rewatching this and it has a very good dub as well :)

Pita-Ten Episodes 16-26 COMPLETE (English subbed) - Delightfully cute, I'm glad I finally finished this, and I'll likely revisit it at some point, had a similar kind of vibe to A Little Snow Fairy Sugar (with which it shares a character designer and possibly some other key creative staff?), honestly I think this show is a bit underappreciated, it's very sweet and I really enjoyed it :)

Kids on the Slope Episodes 5-12 COMPLETE (REWATCH, English subbed) - With friend A, we got through the remaining episodes far more quickly once we started cuddling while we watch them - I think it really helps quiet my anxiety, and this show holds up really well, beautiful music and profoundly moving, it's also one of the few anime I've seen that has a homoromantic friendship that doesn't just feel like pandering, and I appreciate the more feminine style of Watanabe's work on this and Terror in Resonance :)

Toilet Bound Hanako-kun Episode 1 (REWATCH, English subbed) - With friend A, I'm really looking forward to the upcoming reboot but I do still really like this series, my fren seemed to quite like it too (I wanted to watch it with them and see what they thought of it as I reckoned they might like it) :)

Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season 3 Episodes 2-22 COMPLETE (REWATCH) - With friend B, still really enjoying the show, though I do feel really sad for
Buffy and Faith - I do have a sort of headcanon where they became a couple just cuz that would have been sooo much less sad, not so much a "ship" as just wanting them to be on good terms, though I know this isn't the end of things having seen the whole show before. Faith reminds me of my sister and that made watching this hard for me, I really feel for Faith as the one who everyone thinks can only do slaying/is "stupid" and for Buffy shouldering all that responsibility... honestly elements of this show are just so heartbreaking to me :(

Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season 4 Episode 1 (REWATCH) - With friend B, def an engaging start, will be interesting to rewatch
BTVS: The College Years :p

Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season 2 Episode 1 (REWATCH) - With friend C, yes we've picked this back up again now, so that will be fun (not confusing for me, but I can totally see how it could be for some people lol), obviously I've seen this recently w friend B as well, but it's strangely satisfying to look back on Season 2 while rewatching Season 4, it's also nice that this time around everyone didn't just
blame Buffy for having trauma lookin' at u, early episodes of Season 3 :rolleyes:

Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo Episodes 1-24 (English dubbed) - checks Wikipedia for correct spelling of title "no you can't do that, the noodles will still be all cruncheh!" OMG I LOVE this it's so funny and the OP slaps so hard, comedy is obviously a very subjective thing, but I'm also pleased to note that when I've had friends over they've rather enjoyed finishing whatever episode it is I'm in the middle of, before we carry on watching the shows we're watching together, so I'm not the only person I know IRL who likes it, my friend C said he wants to show it to ppl just to see how they react as it's kind of like what people who don't really watch anime think anime is, because it's a send-up of many of the more popular tropes used XD

Helluva Boss Season 2 Episodes 8-9 - With friend B
, god this show is just so good, can't wait for Episode 10! The music in Ep 9 was also beautiful :)

The Owl House Season 1 Episodes 4-6 - With friend B, I like this but wish it was a bit less slice of life/episode of the week atm :)

Fate/Stay Night Unlimited Blade Works Episodes 0-12 (English dubbed) - Excellent, if perhaps not quite as good as Fate/Zero, I do plan to finish this and watch the Fate/Heaven's Feel films soonish, I'm not sure what is the next main story Fate anime after that :)

Dr. Stone Season 1 Episodes 1-4 (English subbed) - Fun, though perhaps a bit too shonen-y in it's approach for 35 year old woman me, it's unfortunate I didn't take to the dub slightly more, as then I probably would have whizzed through this, I do plan to finish S1 at least, but not sure I'll keep going with it beyond that, will look into what reviews and general consensus are on the quality of the anime after S1 which I know was a fairly big hit :)

Lupin the 3rd Part 5/V/Misadventures in France Episodes 1-13 (English dubbed) - With friend D (I think that's their letter? XP) who is a big Lupin fan, this is really fun, though I will probably keep the rest of it to watch with them when they visit, I am likely to pick up Part 6 on the strength of Parts 4-5, based on what I have seen so far :)

Cardcaptor Sakura Episodes 1-4 (REWATCH, English subbed) - As lovely as it ever was, heartwarming and cute and Tomoyo is one of the best 8 year old lesbians in all fiction (are the main cast of Sakura's age 8 or 10? I'm not actually clear on that point tbh, but anyway she rocks!) :)
Re Buffy S3.
I don't own any Buffy DVDs so I can't rewatch (watched the whole 7 on air night) but one of episodes I have fond vague memories of is Band Candy.
Can't remember much but I think I was amused by Mum and Giles??
Re Buffy S3.
I don't own any Buffy DVDs so I can't rewatch (watched the whole 7 on air night) but one of episodes I have fond vague memories of is Band Candy.
Can't remember much but I think I was amused by Mum and Giles??

OMG yes that episode is so fun, Snyder is a bit more likeable for once back when he wasn't so jaded (you can see why he's regarded as a bit of a camp icon here), and they get great payoff on Giles and Joyce (Buffy's mum) in the episode where
Buffy can hear everyone's thoughts - "You had sex with Giles? On a police car? Twice??" and then at the end when Giles asks Buffy if she's up for some slayer training after school "Sure, I can do that, if you're not too busy having sex with my mother!" and then Giles walks into a tree, I almost died laughing XD I also love the occasional interactions between Joyce and Spike - they are too cute!
Watched the second half of I'm Giving the Disgraced Noble Lady I Rescued a Crash Course in Naughtiness. Excellent sweet innocent soppy romance with some magical battles and a massive cliff-hanger ending. There had better be a series 2 in the works! I need to see the people who tried to destroy young Charlotte pay for their crimes.
Date A Live V episode 12 Reside. (Complete. For the last few seasons DAL has been an entertaining watch and this was no different - bring on VI.) 3.5/5

Mysterious Disappearances
episode 12 Absence. (Complete. This had some solid episodes but wasn’t as good as recent supernatural mystery anime like Dark Gathering.) 3/5

The Many Sides of Voice Actor Radio
episode 12 Assignment. (Complete. This had some good episodes but wasn’t one of the stronger anime I’ve seen focusing on VA and production.) 3/5

Sayonara, Zetsubou-Sensei
episodes 7-12 & Special (Complete. A breezy series with a great cast and visual direction.) 4/5

[Zoku] Sayonara, Zetsubou-Sensei
episodes 1-7
Started re-watching My Sempai Is Annoying from the start last night, as I haven't watch it all the way through, and at the end of episode 1, when I saw the image of Futaba in a bunny girl outfit, I've been unable to get it out of my head. 😍😍😍😍😍
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[Zoku] Sayonara, Zetsubou-Sensei episodes 8-13 & OVAs (Complete. A consistent continuation that maintained the elements I enjoyed from the first season.) 4/5

[Zan] Sayonara, Zetsubou-Sensei
episodes 1-7
Yuru Camp complete season 1: lovely series about a small group of high school girls who love camping (in the winter) at various sites around Mt Fuji. Really gives one the bug to go travelling to little out of the way places and enjoy nature. Those girls really love their meat. I fear if a cow happened to wander into their campsite, it would be straight in the pot. Oh, and the opening theme is VERY reminiscent of a Jackson 5 song. Looking forward to seeing what they get up to in season 2, which was in the same box.

I would also like a decent US/UK release, so the signs are also translated (one of the big fails for DVDs from Malaysia). The live action series would also be appreciated. Is that too much to ask?
Yowamushi Pedal Season 1 Series

Damn, what a fun ride 🥁 This is giving Ippo a run for my favourite sports anime and maybe anime series in general. My only negative is that the season ends on a cliffhanger for the second day of a three-day race... so I'm left waiting for the second series to arrive on DVD.

That aside, it's got great action, interesting explanations (it's sports, so you know they have to explain everything), interesting backstories for the rivals as well as the main cast and it's got great humour too. The little extras at the end of the credits are hilarious too with some nice comedic storylines just in those. Love Hime!
That Time I Got Reincarnated As a Slime Season 3 episode 61 Quality improvements.

The Misfit of Demon King Academy II Part 2 episode 49 Starkers.

The Irregular at Magic High School Season 3 episode 52 Challenged. (Complete. Another enjoyable season with a film on the way in the future!) 3.5/5

[Zan] Sayonara, Zetsubou-Sensei
episodes 8-13 & OVAs (Complete. See my thoughts on Zoku, this has been a great anime to watch overall.) 4/5

School Rumble
episodes 1-18
Konosuba 3: Army of Darkness ep11 [end]

Despite my early misgivings, this season definitely pulled its socks up towards the end, I really enjoyed that last arc.

Bubblegum Crisis 2040 ep7

It’s been pretty obvious for a while that Konaka would rather be writing something like the old AD Police OVA (hello Parasite Dolls), and that is what he did for this episode, but it just ends up feeling like a disjointed rehash of the plotline from The Man Who Bites His Tongue. That OVA was full of desperation and barely concealed hysteria, however; push it into 2040’s somnambulatory atmosphere and it just doesn‘t work. Ironically for a show about futuristic robots, 2040 also feels like it’s being written by one - you’d be forgiven for thinking they’d never seen humans interacting with each other. I‘ve been giving this show the benefit of the doubt, but enough I have had. It’s not terrible, it’s just not good either.

I saw New Cutie Honey years ago and I really didn't like it, maybe I need to revisit it and see if my opinion changes.

Was a bit surprised to hear you say that. At worst, I think I’d accuse it of being unambitious and lacking the kitsch charm of the original, but otherwise I thought it was a perfectly fine action series. At least from what I saw of it, never actually finished the show…