Your anime viewing journal

Hey Zin, have you seen the movie yet? If not, go for it! It tells a bit more about this "fate" you mentioned and, IMO, is a bit more fun than the series.

I like that t as well =) Although, I believe few people will get that =)
Damekko Doubutsu marathoned today.
I watched it a while ago but i was in the mood for cute things in the background whilst i did the ironing :3

Apparently my boyfriend and I Uusahara and Chiiko......well he does drive insanely like that bunny X3
Rewatched 1-5 of Darker than BLACK.

To start with, DtB is one of the best series out there. It lives up to its name, with people getting strangled, hearts getting ripped out, a school girl accidently burning her friend to death and lots of other deaths. Hei's ambiguity also makes the series more enjoyable, it being near impossible at the start to tell if he's doing what he does because he wants to or because it's his job. The fact that it's a Bones production with Yoko Kanno's music also adds to the experience. It's simply a very cool show to begin with, with lots for both kids and adults to get their teeth into.

What kills it is the lack of explanations and any real meaning. At first the setting not being explained and terms with vague explanations getting thown around was acceptable because of the quality of the first three short, two episode stories. But, after the sixth episode, the quality of the stories drops AND they became more light-hearted. A 'comical' private detective even gets introduced. All the awesome on show at the start gets discarded, replaced with average content and little to no depth.

The best story is the episode 3-4 one. Unlike the opening story, it's easier to understand (Hei telling Chiaki, who he thought to be a real thing, a doll command made no sense) and, in my opinion, more emotional. I liked how Hei took Mai to an amusement park and used his power to turn on the machines - that was the first time he appeared to be a genuinely nice guy. And how the story ended, with her father acting like he should've instead of distancing himself from her, had an impact on me.

I'll watch the final great episode tomorrow, as well as episodes 7-10.
Finally found some time to get some anime in early this morning(4-6am early) and endulged in some Gintama and FMA: Brotherhood.

Gintama was a great laugh and a good way to relax after these past 4 weeks of night shift. It still provides good quality entertainment, both in manga and anime. That could be down to its episodic nature, but either way, still good.

FMA: BrotherHood 18-20: I really can't find much to fault with these episodes, they where very very well done, especially 19. The relationships between characters and how they begin to develop certainly shows through in these and with 19 The fight between Lust and Roy(if you can call it a fight at the end..more like overkill) Was not only brilliantly animated, but got the emotions of the characters right too. 21 can't really come soon enough i will say.

If i can find the time later on, i intend to catch up with what i've missed with Spicy Wolf II, and perhaps finish up a couple of shows i've left hanging for a good while as well.
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Just finished watching Chrono Crusade and have the option of re-watching Evangelion after having bought the Platinum tinbox, or either Last Exile, Tehxnolyze or (if it arrives in the post tomorrow) When They Cry.
Olio8O said:
Just finished watching Chrono Crusade and have the option of re-watching Evangelion after having bought the Platinum tinbox, or either Last Exile, Tehxnolyze or (if it arrives in the post tomorrow) When They Cry.
When they cry blew me away when I've seen it. Last Exile is very pretty, can't say more than that. no comments on Tehxonilyze as I haven't seen it yet.
chaos said:
Olio8O said:
Just finished watching Chrono Crusade and have the option of re-watching Evangelion after having bought the Platinum tinbox, or either Last Exile, Tehxnolyze or (if it arrives in the post tomorrow) When They Cry.
When they cry blew me away when I've seen it. Last Exile is very pretty, can't say more than that. no comments on Tehxonilyze as I haven't seen it yet.

I'm hoping that it will arrive, everything I have read about it has pretty much said its The ****
chaos said:
Air gear V1

Fanservice aplenty and nothing really great so far.
I have to admit I didn't watch the anime after the let-down that was Tenjo Tenge, but the Air Gear manga gets a lot better once the battles start properly, if you're into battle manga. Quite inventive compared with most, and some cool characters are introduced (and the fan service improves, but that's beside the point... maybe).
Finished off the Twelve Kingdoms box set. What a series. At times it can be a little slow with a bit too much recapping and exposition, but there is very little else to fault it over. I just want more of it as there are several characters whose stories were not played out.
Darker than BLACK: 6-10 (re-watched)

If episode six and what came before are examples of the series strong points, the opposite is true of 7-8. The preview music, changed from a slightly depressing tune to one more fitting for comedy suggested the two episode story would be a change for the worse, and indeed it was.

Comedy has no place in a series titled Darker than BLACK. Comedy has no place in a series that, up until that point, had been deadly serious, including lots of death and no happy endings. So, when episode seven introduced a comical detetive and his 'sexually harassed', pink haired, anime loving assistant, it didn't fit. Even the two stories featured in these episodes, both being about - I kid you not - body odur, barely connected, if they did at all.

The introduction of the filler detective is the start of the downward spiral for this series.

Episode 9-10 did return to being more serious, but even that story had more light-hearted moments than the first six episodes. It was as if the writers tried too hard to connect Misaki to the story, ending up linking her to the Chinese mafia through her friend, who has a bee sting addiction. (Whenever something is wrong with manga/anime, the Chinese and/or Chinese costumes are to blame. Always.) The episodes were saved by some decent Misaki character development, the villain having an awesome power involving his own blood and Hei smashing through a window at the end. Not on the same level as the opening episodes, though.
Beck 1-10 (rewatch)

I'd forgotten how good this show was. Harold Sakuishi knows and loves his music, a passion clearly shared by Osamu Kobayashi and the anime staff. It makes me want to stop being a lazy bastard and pick up my guitar again. Beck is a more realistic portayal of youth culture than most anime with a predominantly teenage cast (as well as touching on serious issues like bullying without offering a quick and easy fix à la GTO) and really captures the essence of what rock music means to young people. The show speaks to me in a way that few others do.

The only problem is the animation. In some episodes it's just awful.