Xbox Live Gamers


Hey guys, just looking to extend me friends list lately and I was curious if any fellow AUKN members have Gold subscriptions. My gamertag is Nemphtis and if you post yours up I'll add you so we can get some games going together sometime soon. The games I'm playing lately are Gears of War, Rainbow Six Vegas and Phantasy Star Universe. I'm generally a laid-back player who just plays for fun but that doesn't mean I don't enjoy kicking some ass in the process. :D
Is the fee for a Gold membership yearly or monthly, also can you have more than one gamertag stored on a console and not have to pay twice for Xbox Live
My gamertag is R0ADKILL (thats a zero not letter O)

You pay about £40 a year for a gold subscription, and I'm pretty sure you have to pay another £40 if you want two gamertags, can you get them both on the same box? I don't know sorry.
i have Gold Subscription to XBoxlive gold, but don't have gears of war yet :? , AngelArbalest is me gamertag. i play DOA 4 from time to time, and tend to play several arcade games.
and you're added too, I think a few people who haven't posted have added me as well since I've been receiving friend requests while I've been offline. It helps if you post here telling me your GT so I don't wonder "Hm, who the heck is this guy?". ;)
By the way...I've got a few of these 48-hour Xbox Live Gold free trial cards I got with a few games.

If anyone is a Silver member and wants to try out Gold for a couple of days, send me a PM or whatever and I'll send you the code.

They're no use to me, as they only work for Silver members...might as well give someone some use from them...
if you happen to be playing halo 2, and hear a bunch of crazy people shouting and screaming like retards and doing bad chewbacca impressions its me and my mates. lol
Thanks Grant, not only have I added you to my friends list on Xbox Live but I've also added you to my friends list on LiveJournal if you don't mind. :D
Nope. All of my clan members have sold the game after being disappointed. My 360 broke down so I couldn't even buy it yet, but I might pick it up once the price goes down a little. I just want to kick some ass with the mechs.
Don't really mean to bring up a dead topic, but felt it belonged in here since its only available to xbox live users.
Anyone getting the halo 3 beta? Comes out on wednesday at 12pm or near that time. Assault rifle looks amazing, favourite weapon from the halo universe. Whereas its not graphically the most impressive (still the beta so might see better graphics later on) I've read that it plays very well.
Well to be honest, it's better to make a "Halo 3 beta" topic about this, or find a topic about Halo 3. This topic is more about meeting new Xbox Live gamers and adding them to your friends list, not actual game discussion. ;)