A couple of days ago me and a friend watched the first disk of Get Backers and so far it was entertaining if not horribly cliched and somewhat generic. So far i'm not quite sure what to think about it but i'm going to give it a good chance and see how I feel at the end of disk 3 because like I said it's entertaining and very easy to watch. No thought needed here.
When we first put in the DVD I was instructed to first try the English dub (much to my distaste). The dub seemed average and after a couple of minutes we switched it over to Japanese but I noticed something that i've heard on other UK ADV releases and that's a sort of echo effect on the English dub which is not present on the Japanese audio track. I noticed it right away and found it very irritating. Not a problem for people who prefer the original language but bothersome for dub fans.
The first thing I noticed about the series itself was the high quality and fluidity of the animation which was maintained throughout the episodes we watched. I also really loved the music which sounded like, and might have actually be, Taku Iwasaki who did the soundtracks for R.O.D and Witch Hunter Robin. The look and style of the show was highly class all 'round and even the character designs that I thought would irritate me didn't become a problem at the end of the disk.
The show itself isn't without it's fair share of let downs though. Every so often I enjoy a show where no thought is need, something you can just watch and enjoy and this is that. I was worried at the end of the second episode that each episode was going to follow the same pattern....
Somebody has a problem -> Investigation -> Fight in a Warehouse
Yeah, seriously. At the end of the first two episodes it ends with a Mafia fight in a warehouse. It's not like anything was even hard to figure out what was going to lead it to that point either but regardless... It still somehow managed to be somewhat fun to watch.
Given that it's only 52 episodes compared to the size of similar shows I think I could easily manage to the end of the series if it keeps up the entertainment value it has been for the last 5 episodes. It's really nothing special at all and it's something i'd just give a miss if I didn't get them free but it's watchable and has some funny moments as well as excellent animation, some cool fights and some great music.
I just hope for more character depth in future episodes and hopefully less predictable storylines. Who knows, I might be surprised but I somewhat doubt it. Even Naruto had some decent backstory though so WHO KNOWS!
If mindless fun is what you're looking for then this series might be worth checking out since it can be picked up pretty cheap in it's entirety.
Oh whatevaz i'm going for a pint!
When we first put in the DVD I was instructed to first try the English dub (much to my distaste). The dub seemed average and after a couple of minutes we switched it over to Japanese but I noticed something that i've heard on other UK ADV releases and that's a sort of echo effect on the English dub which is not present on the Japanese audio track. I noticed it right away and found it very irritating. Not a problem for people who prefer the original language but bothersome for dub fans.
The first thing I noticed about the series itself was the high quality and fluidity of the animation which was maintained throughout the episodes we watched. I also really loved the music which sounded like, and might have actually be, Taku Iwasaki who did the soundtracks for R.O.D and Witch Hunter Robin. The look and style of the show was highly class all 'round and even the character designs that I thought would irritate me didn't become a problem at the end of the disk.
The show itself isn't without it's fair share of let downs though. Every so often I enjoy a show where no thought is need, something you can just watch and enjoy and this is that. I was worried at the end of the second episode that each episode was going to follow the same pattern....
Somebody has a problem -> Investigation -> Fight in a Warehouse
Yeah, seriously. At the end of the first two episodes it ends with a Mafia fight in a warehouse. It's not like anything was even hard to figure out what was going to lead it to that point either but regardless... It still somehow managed to be somewhat fun to watch.
Given that it's only 52 episodes compared to the size of similar shows I think I could easily manage to the end of the series if it keeps up the entertainment value it has been for the last 5 episodes. It's really nothing special at all and it's something i'd just give a miss if I didn't get them free but it's watchable and has some funny moments as well as excellent animation, some cool fights and some great music.
I just hope for more character depth in future episodes and hopefully less predictable storylines. Who knows, I might be surprised but I somewhat doubt it. Even Naruto had some decent backstory though so WHO KNOWS!
If mindless fun is what you're looking for then this series might be worth checking out since it can be picked up pretty cheap in it's entirety.
Oh whatevaz i'm going for a pint!