Death Note:
The last ten or so minutes NEARLY made me rate it 9/10. Everything was perfect - evil laugh and all... until Madhouse did what they usually do and change the very end of the ending for the worse. They removed the last twist (Ryuk writing in front of others) in order to have Light do a marathon and try to make viewers sympathetic towards him; going against the original ending by doing so.
Until the 25th episode, it was a top ten contender. If Madhouse had ended the series on a Berserk-esque cliffhanger, they would've made the series be discussed in years to come AND allowed for a continuation. But, instead, they went for a final boss battle... then decided to end everything inconclusively, anyway. It was retarded and highlighted how bad Madhouse are - in spite of their brilliance - at ending their adaptations. Honestly, I should 8/10 it because of how bad the finale was, but knocking off a point when I loved 1-24 seems mighty harsh...
After turning into an emotional, Battle Royale-esque tale of tragedy, the writers did a complete 180 at the death; reviving the entire cast. And if that wasn't enough to make the ending bad (it was!), the retarded final battle and all the silliness surrounding it sure as hell as. Yet another great series let down by an awful ending. I'm only kind with my rating because its story was poor to begin with; it being a character>story type.
It got worse and worse as it neared the end. What started out as a medieval warfare epic turned into Godzilla. A robot army entered the picture, a past involving blob monsters, and all the other rubbish that usually gets pulled out of arses in Japan.
Vash goes off to his final encounter with his nemesis, wins... and then doesn't kill him; taking him back with him? Ok, then - I'm SURE an evil character such as Knives would turn into a goodie, with some love. Retarded.
Neon Genesis Evangelion / End of Eva:
When a comprehensible version intended to be understood gets released, I'll like Eva a lot more. Only appreciated by those who think symbolism = deep.
Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann:
Simon never could compare to Kamina. And planet throwing ranks highly in the league of retarded ****. It got worse and worse once the space rubbish started; the episode where characters 'tragically' got killed off being awful.
Devilman Lady:
I stopped following what was happening when the HOT lesbian pairing became some kind of God & devil pairing; God's child using 'his' penis on the devil to control all life, or something - I forget. The anime writers lost it completely.
A horrible player vs. player, original story finale where the Afghan war got mentioned. The Buddha arc - the best part of Gantz - also got ****** treatment in the first series; the pacing first moving too slowly then speeding up when the best parts were reached.
True Tears:
If the chicken girl and her constant, serious chicken metaphors wasn't enough to make me dislike True Tears, then the series ending and then getting extended by two episodes sure as hell was. The lead chased after and confessed to the girl he liked... then did a 180; being cold towards her and showing affection towards the chicken girl. It was like the studio behind it realized they'd finished the story a few episodes too early and then had to extend the drama, illogically.
The last ten or so minutes NEARLY made me rate it 9/10. Everything was perfect - evil laugh and all... until Madhouse did what they usually do and change the very end of the ending for the worse. They removed the last twist (Ryuk writing in front of others) in order to have Light do a marathon and try to make viewers sympathetic towards him; going against the original ending by doing so.
Until the 25th episode, it was a top ten contender. If Madhouse had ended the series on a Berserk-esque cliffhanger, they would've made the series be discussed in years to come AND allowed for a continuation. But, instead, they went for a final boss battle... then decided to end everything inconclusively, anyway. It was retarded and highlighted how bad Madhouse are - in spite of their brilliance - at ending their adaptations. Honestly, I should 8/10 it because of how bad the finale was, but knocking off a point when I loved 1-24 seems mighty harsh...
After turning into an emotional, Battle Royale-esque tale of tragedy, the writers did a complete 180 at the death; reviving the entire cast. And if that wasn't enough to make the ending bad (it was!), the retarded final battle and all the silliness surrounding it sure as hell as. Yet another great series let down by an awful ending. I'm only kind with my rating because its story was poor to begin with; it being a character>story type.
It got worse and worse as it neared the end. What started out as a medieval warfare epic turned into Godzilla. A robot army entered the picture, a past involving blob monsters, and all the other rubbish that usually gets pulled out of arses in Japan.
Vash goes off to his final encounter with his nemesis, wins... and then doesn't kill him; taking him back with him? Ok, then - I'm SURE an evil character such as Knives would turn into a goodie, with some love. Retarded.
Neon Genesis Evangelion / End of Eva:
When a comprehensible version intended to be understood gets released, I'll like Eva a lot more. Only appreciated by those who think symbolism = deep.
Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann:
Simon never could compare to Kamina. And planet throwing ranks highly in the league of retarded ****. It got worse and worse once the space rubbish started; the episode where characters 'tragically' got killed off being awful.
Devilman Lady:
I stopped following what was happening when the HOT lesbian pairing became some kind of God & devil pairing; God's child using 'his' penis on the devil to control all life, or something - I forget. The anime writers lost it completely.
A horrible player vs. player, original story finale where the Afghan war got mentioned. The Buddha arc - the best part of Gantz - also got ****** treatment in the first series; the pacing first moving too slowly then speeding up when the best parts were reached.
True Tears:
If the chicken girl and her constant, serious chicken metaphors wasn't enough to make me dislike True Tears, then the series ending and then getting extended by two episodes sure as hell was. The lead chased after and confessed to the girl he liked... then did a 180; being cold towards her and showing affection towards the chicken girl. It was like the studio behind it realized they'd finished the story a few episodes too early and then had to extend the drama, illogically.