Woah, what the sh*t is this?

Real or not it's certainly quite creepy I can see why playing that would creep someone out. Thanks for posting Godot.

ANyone see that pokemon "black" story a while back? of a pirate pokemon game that supposedly let you kill pokemon? I'll try and find it if you guys want.
Yeah, there's a link to that post on that blog in the comment section, Sparrow. I'm not sure if its the exact same one, but I did play Pokémon Black as a downloaded rom before.
Sparrowsabre7 said:
ANyone see that pokemon "black" story a while back? of a pirate pokemon game that supposedly let you kill pokemon? I'll try and find it if you guys want.

Post it, sounds interesting! Last creepy pasta I read was also Pokemon related, something about mass suicides from people playing the game after hearing the music for Lavender Town
Godot said:
Seriously, read that guys. That's so weird.
Haha, now I read that and I'm pretty sure I'm not going to get any sleep this night.

I know it's fake (and well done), but I had too many nightmares lately... and this story just took my imagination for new nightmares to a whole new level.

Anyone who gets scared easily shouldn't read this~ :p
Stuart-says-yes said:
The burning song of time is pretty epic.

btw, godat
You shouldn't have done that...

You shouldn't have done that...

You shouldn't have done that...


There's a fourth video now, with a continuing story :D
It's uploaded on his YouTube-account. I already thought they're going to continue it, so I subscribed to their channel.

Link is here.
It's getting shitter. Reminds me of how lonelygirl15 slowly turned from one vlogger into a massive several account spawling video soap epic thing. I mean, what the ****? His friend!