Wii and the internet


School Idol
Anyone had troubles with this? I spent about 40 minutes trying to get it to work, still not 100% sure what was wrong with it. If you ask me they made a pretty crappy wireless system, my xbox and xbox 360 used to link up like perfect partners.
well, i've not really used the internet with it yet, only did once to get it all set up, but i did try to get onto the shopping channel with it and i never got past the bit where it said it was trying to get a connection to the channel =/. i haven't tried since then so i may need to try again soon.
whoops, just got back from fixing my network, after fiddling with my wii and my router I ended up breaking my wireless network for my other pc and laptop. From about 2 hours of scratching my head I think it was because i had it something called "Sharing" or something set in ebabled, set it to disabled and my network came back to life, don't really understand but...it works
I had a little trouble to start with, I just had to reconfigure the IP address and I was sorted, just the downloads took forever and keep crashing.
My mates had huge troubles getting it to work when they first set it up, but they said once it started running they haven't had any trouble since.
We connected our Wii and DS's to our router without any problems.

One thing to remember is that they support WEP encryption but not WPA so you might have to change security/encryption settings on your router.