Why pick on Final Fantasy X-2 ?


Brigade Leader
The game has few flaws, it is uplifting, has good flow to the story, and every now and then a good challaging battle. The story may not be from the offset dark and dramatic, but unlike the other FF game's FF X-2 was set when the world has jus been saved giving SE a chance to make a much more happy and joyful playtime.

Anyway the point what would people say are the con's to FFX-2 as I hear alot rip on it yet hardly come up with any reason behind such thinking (Other than how dressing up is girly, which would make FF 11 and 5 girly)
I think the locations being reused without much improvement and extra, disappointing dungeons made it quite a bad sequel. FFX-2 was excellent on its battle system and job system, because it was fast-paced and have a diverse set of classes.

The story was campy and cheesy, but I kinda appreciated it. But for being the first sequel to an FF game, it's pretty much the best sequel, believe it or not.
True, it would have been more fun if they had giving us some new area's but still they had a way of making the area's feel new with Yuna being able to jump around. Also the soundtrack to the game give it in itself a fresh feel. Lol and yes when you hold it up against sequel's like DOC and CC then it is like holding Persona 4 up to umm pacman...a diffrent league
I thought the battle/job system was the most fun since FFIX or earlier. Shame few people give it enough of a chance to find out. I didn't buy it for years as I thought it was too trendy and annoying, then when the International version came out with the new jobs and marketing push I finally crumbled.

The story was much better than I'd expected too.

I only played as far as 'hunting' a video sphere of a crappy engine rendered waterfall in Besaid. The beginning of the game was basically prohibitive of experiencing the rest, though I say this as someone who thought that Final Fantasy X itself was a joyless, uninventive world full of rubbish characters and barbed-wire across the wrists bad gameplay.

The lowest opinion you can have about a game (especially one where story and characters are so significant a part) isn't that you hate it. It's that you couldn't care less about it. At least when you hate something, you've engaged with it on some level. Final Fantasy X-2 isn't a bad product because it's a bad game, it's just completely unworthy of attention.

It's a cynical cash-grab that is remembered even less fondly because it signalled the floodgates opening, the shift for the 'Final Fantasy' brand into what it has become today: a sodden sponge soaking up every half-baked fantasy product idea and selling them on the name alone. For all the general dislike or indifference FFX-2 gets, it sold well, paving the way for FF4, 7, 12 and 13 'sequels' that squeeze every last drop of juice from games that already had 40+ hours to tell their stories... and in that sense, we REALLY could have done without it. Give me a gun and one trip in a time machine to either off Hitler or Final Fantasy X-2, and since soviet Europe doesn't appeal, I'd be happy to make sure Advent Children didn't happen.
Rui said:
I thought the battle/job system was the most fun since FFIX or earlier. Shame few people give it enough of a chance to find out. I didn't buy it for years as I thought it was too trendy and annoying, then when the International version came out with the new jobs and marketing push I finally crumbled.

The story was much better than I'd expected too.


Do you know how much international added? I only ever played the original version of the game that was released here, but i was tempted by the international version regardless of the japanese barrier. I've heard it improves it a lot, but wanted a second opinion.

As for my opinion on the game, i enjoyed it. Sure the story perhaps was a little bit meh, but it was enjoyable none the less. Battle system was very nice and some of the music was enjoyable too(the bit before the start screen was nice, the piano piece). What did bug me was what they did to blitzball. I spent hours on blitzball on FFX, yet on this, its rather meh.
Arbalest said:
Do you know how much international added? I only ever played the original version of the game that was released here, but i was tempted by the international version regardless of the japanese barrier. I've heard it improves it a lot, but wanted a second opinion.

The only significant difference that I'm aware of was the addition of the two extra jobs; Omatsurishi and Psychicer. The first wasn't really very interesting in terms of gameplay at all but I did like Psychicer a lot. Some very cool animations and designs plus the abilities were fun to use in battle. It felt more like a proper extra job instead of yet another damage dealer with a gimmick like Omatsurishi.

I never really got into the separate dungeon mode that came with International though. Started it then became bored/distracted by other games :(

In good conscience I can't really recommend the International version unless you are coming to the series fresh and don't mind the dub voices or are a really hardcore X-2 fan who wants to try out the new things. There's not quite enough new varied content to justify it as an extra purchase for most people. That said, as the only version I picked up it was an enjoyable experience. The jury is still out on whether losing the Japanese voices made up for the coolness of Psychicer (is there a way to spell that in English which doesn't suck?).

kupocake said:
Give me a gun and one trip in a time machine to either off Hitler or Final Fantasy X-2, and since soviet Europe doesn't appeal, I'd be happy to make sure Advent Children didn't happen.

In that case I'll travel back in time first & kill the person who invented guns, therefore stripping you of the ability to shoot anyone, then on the return journey I'd persuade the inventer of the time machine not to invent it, thus further protecting the FF spin-offs. Advent Children was awesome. :p
It nice to see that there are such broad views on FF X-2 and I even got to learn some thing's I did not know about the game myself. I guess it is like Marmite you either gonna love it or hate it, with no middle ground.
Welkin said:
It nice to see that there are such broad views on FF X-2 and I even got to learn some thing's I did not know about the game myself. I guess it is like Marmite you either gonna love it or hate it, with no middle ground.

I'm indifferent to marmite actually.
Then that just shoots the whole idea down. The world might as well end now with such a shoot down of the great Marmite debate.
Welkin said:
Then that just shoots the whole idea down. The world might as well end now with such a shoot down of the great Marmite debate.

If it makes you feel any better, I also love pancakes with both sugar & Worcestershire sauce on them. Perhaps I am merely a freak of nature where taste is concerned?