Why/how did you start reading Manga?

I started to read manga due to my great interest in Japanimation. In the present though, I am actually reading more manga than I am watching anime.
Low and behold i started reading manga where my local libary had a copy of fruba. though i've always been a fan of the stuff way before when HMV only had a view select titles
When i was younger i always thought i should like reading comics (the american kind), though no matter how any times i tried i never could get into them.
It was only when i discoved Shoujo manga that things changed. I really enjoy Shounen anime, but even now i still can't read action themed comics.
Surprised i never replied here. Erm i'm not entirely sure actually. I think it was down to FMP once again, the series that more or less started off my anime/manga hobby. I believe i started picking up the manga not to long after i got into the anime, so i started picking it up and before i knew it, i was reading manga on a normal basis. Tis quite funny though that i now own more manga than i do anime, but there we go.
i love anime, so i thought id read a manga, so i bought Volume 1 of Code Geass, which i really enjoyed reading, so im planning to buy more.

edit: i bought my first manga last month btw