Why Do All Threads Go Off-Topic?

You actually did it :eek:

So anyway I was watching Fancy Lala last night and have to know, how does her hair keep changing length? Wigs I presume; but I'm sure I saw her stylist washing it during a conversation once. It sure confuses me.

Rui said:
You actually did it :eek:

So anyway I was watching Fancy Lala last night and have to know, how does her hair keep changing length? Wigs I presume; but I'm sure I saw her stylist washing it during a conversation once. It sure confuses me.


Ferchrissakes woman, nobody wants to hear about hair! :eek:

Threads get derailed for the same reason as locomotives;

bodies in the path.

Take that as a literal or metaphorical. I feel both hold truth.
If you have something to say, say it with a lolcat. I don't know the answer to the question actually but I guess people on this forum have a weird sense of humour and don't take the internet seriously. :p
Simple. Someone either insults/offends someone else and the 2 have a war of words.
Either that or they mention something. This could be related to, but viering off the core theme, or people get 'hooked' by a well-known thought and give their say about it. Pretty much like Train Man...

BTW, did you know the sky was as wide as the ocean? I didn't! (See what I mean?) :p

Seventeen replies in like... what, nine hours? AUKN sure does like its spam. Anyway, this thread sucks. It is now about Cannibal Corpse.
Lupus Inu said:
Seventeen replies in like... what, nine hours? AUKN sure does like its spam. Anyway, this thread sucks. It is now about Cannibal Corpse.

17 replies in 9 hours is good?

most forums i visit you get 17 replies in 2 minutes :D