Who wants to see all the creative stuff I do when I'm not watching anime?

More Commander Will and Gary Spiders! :)

14 The Adventures of Commander Will and Gary Spiders 14

“Oh Commander Will is my name and running this ship is my game
I love puppies and cereal bars and run-on sentences
And I have to go to the toilet just like the rest of us
I got so many homies on this ship and you have to be careful cause sometimes it dips
I swear I had more Doritos than this before, hey which one of you ate all of my chips???
My name is Will, don’t wear it out, I’M NOT CALLED MCGILL!”

“Sir, there’s no need to shout.”

“Oops sorry Gary, how are you today?

“Quite well Sir, no major dismay”

“I’m pleased to hear that Gary…

Oh this is Gary, he’s the second in command, I rely on him a lot to help keep this ship in hand.
He’s efficient and punctual, and other fancy words
And sometime I’ll tell you all about his pet bird
His surname is Spiders, which is a little weird
But he’s a very nice man and he helps me shave my beard”

“Er, I don’t have a pet bird anymore Sir, it died”

“Oh Gary that makes me feel all sad and empty inside!”

“It’s really OK Sir, it happened years ago”

“Her name was Feathers, she would steal nuts and peck your toe
But only very gently, she really was quite nice
More a nibble than a peck and she would sometimes catch mice
She liked to dance along when we played Joy Division
And was quite distracting during Gary’s exam revision
Did you ever pass that exam in the end, Gary?”

“Yes I did Sir but the teacher was scary.”

“Oh Gary I’m sorry do you need a big hug?”

“That would be nice Sir, here’s tea in a mug.”

“Oh you have it Gary you’re the one who’s distressed”

“I’m not really Sir but could do with a rest”

“It’s OK Gary you go take a nap”

“Much appreciated Sir but we should finish this rap”

“Good point Gary where’d you think we should stop
Oww! Oh dear I’ve just tripped over this mop
I’m so sorry Hector you were just scrubbing the deck”

“It’s ok MC Will, at least no-one broke their neck!”

“Ah thanks so much Hector you’re a stand up guy!”

“No problem Commander, I really love your tie!”

“Yes it’s very jazzy isn’t it, Gary made it for me!”

“Sir, with you around, life will never bore me.”

“What a lovely smile Gary, should we wrap this up now?”

“Very good Sir, it’s a wrap, now everybody bow!”
I finally finished this short story that I started months ago based on a writing prompt from a site called Reedsy, the writing prompt was "Write about a mysterious figure in one's neighbourhood."

So, someone moved into an abandoned barn on the outskirts of town. It’s a little dilapidated, but me and the other kids round here know for a fact that it has, or at least had, working plumbing - as we used to play there and fill water balloons from the tap. There’s a stove as well. It’s liveable. Is it haunted, you ask? Well, there were never many rumours of that sort, and me and the gang never saw nuthin’, so probably not. But, what with the outskirts of town being a little too rural for most of the adults to venture out there, and us being reluctant to mess around somewhere occupied? No-one really knows anything about the person who moved in there, not yet at least. Heck, for all we know they could be a quiet, unassuming alien that eats plants and bugs, or lives offa crystal energy or somethin’ like that, and we’d be none the wiser. Not that we think they seem like an unpleasant type, whatever they are. They ain’t caused no trouble for nobody. Well, unless you call making us all a touch perplexed “trouble”. What I’m tryin’ a say is, we never see ‘em! Well, no more than occasional glimpses, anyway. And they cover their face. Now there ain’t nothin’ fundamentally wrong about that neither… but there also ain’t nothin’ fundamentally wrong about bein’ curious, in my view. Helps keep the mind alive.

Well, it’s a week later, and I must admit I was tossing and turning most nights wondering about this, and also thinking “don’t hurt to be neighbourly, could take over some good food and try to introduce myself.” So here I am, walking through town, with a store bought, still boxed apple pie carefully nested flat in a wide-bottomed bag, in the hopes that it won’t become an unsightly mess before I reach my destination. I ain’t dressed particularly fancy but I’m washed and wearing clean clothes, and I’ve combed my hair. Some of the meaner kids in the town are up ahead in the middle distance, so before they can notice me I duck into a different way, as I can’t be doing with getting into a brawl when I’m carrying food I spent half my allowance on, and would rather not meet this mystery person for the first time with a shiner on my face. Thinking about it, maybe I should have asked a friend to come with me, but I find myself suspecting that that might be perceived as intimidation by numbers, when approaching someone who appears secretive and as far as I know, completely alone in the world.

I manage to avoid being spotted by any a those bullies and enjoy a summer breeze as I make my way past the last few remnants of the town’s shopping district - a machine repair shop and one of several Chinese takeaways in Leafton, the last place to get a proper meal in this direction before everything becomes just dusty, earthy roads, trees and woods, plus the odd peppering a cows, sheep and pigs in fields here and there, it’s neither intensively farmed, nor fully wild and gone to seed. Now I like this town just fine, when I’m with my friends or at least not getting picked on by them fellas I mentioned earlier, but I love it out here - for all that I know that nature ain’t always nice and there’s all that hidden struggle and fightin’, it’s peaceful and relaxed, and the sun feels gentle on my skin (I got short sleeves) as I approach the barn.

“Uh… hello?” I call as I walk on to the premises, feeling a mite nervous and going slow, with soft footsteps. No answer. As I move towards the front door it opens and the stranger rushes out, flailing their arms hidden beneath clothes that conceal them completely apart from their eyes, and speaking forcefully “please go, please get out, you must leave!” Without thinking much, I say “I’m sorry but I promise i don’t mean you no harm, I just came to say hello and I bought a pie!”
I hold out the bag and wonder at what their reaction will be, mouth agape now I’ve stopped talking and breathing a touch heavy.
“You have food?”
“Why yes, yes I do. Do you want some?”
“Ok, no problem, do you want to eat indoors or out here?”
“I would prefer you did not come inside. I am sorry.”
“That’s completely alright, don’t you worry at all about that.” I reach into the bag and extract the pie, still sealed.
“That smells wonderful.”
“You must have keen senses, I can’t rightly smell it myself and I been carryin” the darn thing all this way!”
“Yes well I… uhm…”
“I-I’m sorry… didn’t mean to pry.”
“That’s alright.”
“Ya got any spoons or forks?”
“I do indeed have these things that you speak of.”
“Well, if you wouldn’t mind can you get one for each of us from inside the barn?”
“Uh yes of course. I will go and get them now.”
They get up and go back indoors, and I sit on a tree stump, feelin’ perhaps slightly worried that they might come back with a weapon. But they seem nice enough. In all honesty I’m concerned for ‘em, about whatever it is that’s got ‘em so afraid of me, and, I’m guessin’, anyone else who passes by.

They return bearin’ cutlery and so far as I can tell, nothin’ more dangerous than that.
”Which do you prefer?”
“i’ll take a spoon, thankyou kindly.”
“Please do not leave with this spoon, I require it to obtain sustenance.”
“Oh don’t worry, I ain’t goin’ nowhere with it. Just want it to eat my half of this pie!”
“I now understand. Please take care of it.”
They hand it to me and it catches my eye, gleaming in the sunlight - they obviously wash their dishes mighty carefully. I wonder what the rest of the barn looks like, if this person in front of me who takes such care over small things can work other kinds of magic on this unlikely abode. That said, I’m not much of a domestic type myself so if the barn is still mostly a scruffy heap? I respect that too, and as far as I’m concerned, a home is a home.
“Shall we tuck in?”
I take the pie out of the box and hold it out in front of me - it’s no worse for it’s trip across Leafton, apart from minor dislodgment of a little bit of the crust at the edges.
“Yes, yes please.”
“Uh… do you need to uncover your face to eat?”
Their eyes dart around, and they are obviously disquieted internally.
“Would ya rather face the other way? Really it’s alright."
Appearing very visibly relieved, they thank me in a fashion that seems almost abject, and divvy up the pie onto two plates that they’ve brought outside along with the cutlery. Also meticulously spotless the both of ‘em. We sit and start to eat, and it turns out both of us are real quick at that - we’ve cleaned our plates in less than 5 minutes!
“That was yummy.”
“Oh yes it was delicious! Best thing I’ve eaten all week!”
“Me as well.”
“Well… are ya eatin’ alright, in general?”
“I do indeed have sustenance, yes thankyou.”
I think about asking more questions but conclude that it is best not to at this point in time.
“That’s good, hope it’s tasty.”
“It is adequate.”
“Adequate ain’t so bad I suppose!” I say, smiling at my new friend.

Me and this new pal a mine spend a fair bitta time at the barn after that - chattin’ and eatin’ quality food which I bring with me. They ain’t very physical or active when I’m there (probably partly to avoid revealin’ themself) but they enjoy watchin’ me stretch and do cartwheels, handstands and so on - I ain’t a champion athlete but I like to play and throw balls around and whatnot, like most kids I suppose. It’s a good feeling, being here with this person, among soft grass and tree stumps for restin’ on. I know I ain’t mentioned it before, but they have a curious sorta voice, that I find hard to determine much from. It’s a perfectly fine voice mind. Just a touch mysterious, but it’s quite a beautiful thing really, to hear ‘em speak - almost like a song. Like some sort of profound harmony with the earth, and trees, and wind. Now listen to me soundin’ all poetic and taken! It’s not really like that, in truth, at least I don’t think so. I just am happy i met someone who I can feel at peace with, when we ain’t sayin’ nuthin. Our conversations are constrained by them not wantin’ to let on too much about themself, but we do find things to talk about, like flowers, and food, and the animals I’ve seen in the woods nearby, and how breathtakin’ the night sky is round these parts. I do still see my other friends sometimes, but I don’t let on what I’m up to, for reasons that in all honesty i don’t fully understand myself. I want this to last forever, I hope they can stay here forever, and that time will slow a little for us, before it’s sand runs out and we have to grow up altogether. We may be lucky, as there is little to no sand in Leafton to go around puttiin’ in hourglasses in the first place, it bein’ about as coastal as the centre of the Sonoran in Arizona (though thankfully, nowhere near as feverishly hot). Imported sand ain’t popular here either, though of course, everyone still loves ice-cream and popsicles and other such beachly things (me included).

One day a lamb hobbles into the yard outside the barn and we both feel mighty sad for the poor thing, limpin’ and lookin’ uncomfortable. We’re unsure what to do, but neither of us being farmers we keep our distance for a bit as we think it through. The lamb finds a soft patch of grass and lies down, grazing on it and the other plants within reach, but after a while it bleats again sadly, as if it is crying large tears.
“Aww we can’t just leave it there like that, whatta we do?”
“I think I may be able to help soothe it.”
They get up and slowly move towards the injured creature, and to my surprise, it makes no moves to get away, seeming calm. Doesn’t even squirm. As they reach the lamb, they sit down and very gently stroke it, starting to sing. I can’t make out the words, but it’s like the voice of an angel. Then a couple of lines I do recognise as English “And when we cannot think of much to say, you always tell me that you love me. I respond in kind, and within the other’s mind, we each sense a kindred spirit.”
The lamb seems reassured, and relaxed.
“I could not heal her.” My friend says sadly.
“Well no-one was expectin’ ya to do that with just a song and a bitta pettin’, don’t feel bad! She looks so much happier.”
“Yes but… yes I am glad too.”
Even though I cannot see their face, I can tell that they are smiling. But perhaps crying inside too. As the lamb stands up and hobbles away again, I walk over, reach out and put my hand on my friend’s hand. I feel unsure as to if this will be welcome, but they let me keep it there, as tears flow from their eyes into the light grey cloth covering their face.
“She is leaving, will she be alright?”
“I reckon so, there’s a field fulla sheep the way she’s headed. I’m sure her mama’s there.”
“Where is your mama?”
“She’s… she’s in the ground.”
“What is she doing there?”
“Sleepin’. Forever.”

As the penny drops, they continue, “I am so sorry. Where is your father?”
“Grievin’. For about five years now.”
“Perhaps I should not have asked you these questions?” They say, looking down at the ground as the tears keep falling, from my eyes now too.
“You didn’t do nothin wrong at all, so don’t you worry about that. Please don’t ever feel like you did anythin’ wrong.”
“Oh but I did.”
”Well you never done no harm to me.”
“I am very relieved to know that.”
I’m silent for a while, still holdin’ their hand, thinkin’.
“You know, you can talk to me about things… even stuff like that. I care about you a whole lot and I worry sometimes, about what you’re carryin’.”
“I am sorry but I do not feel able to speak of this.”
Their voice and what I can see of their expression tell me that they feel they’ve disappointed me… maybe that they feel that they are a disappointment.
“I promise you ain’t let me down none!” I say putting my other hand underneath theirs and gently moving them up and down like we’re shakin’ on an introduction.
“I was wonderin’, uh, what your name is… and what the song you sang to the lamb is about?”
“My name is Kyria.”
“I’m Pete, how do you do?” I say, laughin’ and smilin’.
“The song is about two people who love each other very much but cannot always find the right words to say in the moment… sometimes they are separated, but whether that is by their difficulties with communication or a physical distance is left for the listener to interpret.”
“Well, ir was a very pretty song… I reckon maybe it’s meanta be both?”
“Yes it appears that way to me also.”
We stand there holdin’ hands for a good while.
“So Kyria, if y’don’t mind me askin’… where ya from?”
I hear a whirring from above, and then someone or something lands on the ground behind me with a soft thud. I look around. There is another stranger with a covered face moving towards us, holdin’ one scary-lookin’ weapon.
“Who the hell is that?!”
“An exterminator! RUN, PETE!”

I run, or rather, we run. No way I’m leavin’ Kyria behind. But we’re not fast enough, and before we know it they’ve caught up to us and grabbed us both. Couldn’t even make it out into the road.
“So you thought you could get away, Kyria, and play house on earth with this soft looking boy?”
“Please do not hurt him! I am so sorry, please!”
“Ah ah ah, sorry’s not good enough for murderers!”
“I know it’s not, I-“
I managed to elbow-jab this asshole in what I assume is a fairly sensitive area as he yelps and lets out a curse word that I don’t recognise. I would like to mention at this point that I do know plenty of those types of words, I just personally choose not to use ‘em much. But some of my closest friends curse like it was goin’ outta style! So if I don’t know this word, it’s probably not a commonly used English swear. The stranger grabs me by the ear as I try to make a run for it with Kyria again. The pain is instant and sharp.
“Wait a minute… did you say earth?” I manage to utter.
“i’m not surprised she didn’t tell you! Wouldn’t want some stupid bloody redneck knowing you “ain’t from round these parts” eh girlie?”
“I’m so sorry, I’m so sorry Pete!”
Tears fill their eyes and my heart just about tears in two. What can I do?
“You ain’t gotta apologise to me for nothin’ Kyria, don’t you think th-“
“Disgust me though it does to admit it, the boy is correct, it’s me you owe a million more sorries to, me and your dearly deceased dad, who’s never coming back because of YOU!”
“I know, I know. Please I-“
“Would everyone please try to calm down!” I say, in a raised voice, desperately trying to defuse the situation. Suddenly, this fella pull the cloth off of Kyria’s face.
“Stop being rough with them… like… that.” I say, visible shock on my face as I look at Kyria’s for the first time. Bruises and welts all over… and an x across it with the centre at the nose.

“Kyria I-“
“X marks the spot Kyria, can’t run from the mark now can you?” He has the audacity to say this with the kinda sadistic glee usually reserved for the villain in a low end comic book movie.
“Sir are you even gonna give my BEST FRIEND the chance to explain themselves? Kyria I don’t know why ya did it but I know there must have been a reason why you did… it got somethin’ to do with those marks on your face?”
“On my planet, our species, we-“
“Take a life and get marked with an X by god, FOREVER!”
“SHUT THE HELL UP YOU PRICK!” While he’s reeling in shock at bein’ spoke to the way he rightly deserves, Kyria manages to say,
“He wouldn’t stop beating me… he wouldn’t stop. There are marks all over my body. There is still pain… even now… but you shouldn’t try to save me Pete. You really shouldn’t. What I did was still very wrong and you’re just going to get hurt. I will go with you Da’gar, just please please don’t hurt him, please don’t.”
“But that just ain’t right Kyria, it just ain’t right at all! You’re just a kid like me, and I’ll bet this fella was real big and strong and wouldn’t leave ya alone no matter what ya did! Damnit Da’gar don’t ya got no laws protectin’ people who’re bein’ beaten within an inch a their life on your planet? Don’t you think Kyria’s worth protectin’? Everyone deserves protectin’!”
“Oh there are laws, which just makes her sin all the more unforgivable, don’t you think? She could have gone to the authorities but instead she resorted to murder!”
“Da’gar you shameful liar! You will hold your tongue!” Another figure descends from the sky, right in front of us.
“Rea’chim! I see you decided to make an appearance, an unwelcome one I might add.”
“Oh up yours and your hubris Da’gar, who do you think these children are happier to see, me or you? Let them go!”
“I will not.”
“Pete, I want to answer your question. There are laws on our planet, and some of them are good, but some of them are not, and the most powerful people usually do not have to obey any of them… I believe it is the same here?”
I lower my face and nod to the best of my ability, given the pickle I’m currently in.
“There were people on our planet who wanted to save Kyria, and others like them, but laws take a very long time to change. A good man defended them in our courts as best he could but alas he was unsuccessful and your friend had to run, otherwise they would have been killed.”
“That’s awful! Kyria, I’m so sorry, I didn’t know, I didn’t know…”
“Stop this nonsensical whimpering, boy!” I feel my ear being pulled harder and wince.
“Da’gar, for someone who considers himself so fiercely moral you’re remarkably unmoved by people caring about other people.”
“Oh shut up Rea’chim! She. Is. A. Taker. of. Life and you shouldn’t be defending her.”
“So you don’t care that Kyria was being treated like something their father had found on the bottom of his shoe then? Aren’t you here to murder Kyria yourself?”
“She has the X!”
“So will you if you kill them. Did you even think about that?”
This Da’gar feller actually looks a little shocked and a touch guilty in the eyes upon hearin’ this.
“Think you’re so clever don’t you Rea’chim? I AM AN EXTERMINATOR! I have X marks all over my body! But none on my face! That proves that god favours ME!”
Words scornfully tumble out of my mouth.
“You know what, just because your sins ain’t showin’ on your nose for everyone to see that don’t mean you didn’t commit ‘em!”
Mercifully, I manage to wriggle free of this questionable fella’s clutches, and feeling somewhat emboldened, I continue sayin’ what needs to be said as I move away from him towards Rea’chim.

“Who the hell do you think you are showin’ up here to murder some poor kid who had to leave their home, their whole PLANET, to get away from you? Like what in the actual goddamn hell Da’gar are you out of your freakin’ mind? You think killing Kyria will somehow make the world, the universe a better place? Kyria never woulda hurt nobody unless they really, REALLY had to, I know enough to know that. What if this “father” of Kyria’s-“
(I will note at this point that I don’t believe such a man rightly deserves to be called somethin’ so respectable.)
“-had beaten them to death? Just stop this ********* right now, stop trying to kill my friend! I love Kyria and I’m not gonna let you swat ‘em like a fly that won’t stop buzzin’ round your head! You’re a fanatic Da’gar, so what if Kyria has a goddamn ‘X’ on their face, you’ve got way more ‘X’es on ya than they do, it’s just convenient for you that they’re hidden when you go out in public and it don’t render all that ‘exterminating’ you did any less vile! I wouldn’t be surprised if for every vicious criminal ya snuffed out, you took the life of someone like Kyria who didn’t deserve it one bit! I-“
I hear a bang, feel sudden agony, scream, and fall to the ground. Kyria howls in anguish, crying out for me.
“Pete! Pete please don’t die!”
“What’s, what’s going on?”
I say, feeling extremely confused and strangely feverish.
“Right Da’gar, you contemptible turd, you are not getting back on that ship alive.”
“Don’t be so sure! I-“
Another loud bang. Da’gar yelps loudly and lets go of Kyria with frozen open stunned eyes.
“I’m sure. Bye bye brutie.”
Rea’chim spits unceremoniously on Da’gar’s corpse and turns back to the two of us, Kyria having run to me, cradling my head and upper body softly with theirs and sobbing uncontrollably.
“I have no power to save him anymore… I lost it, I lost it… PLEASE HELP HIM REA’CHIM! I’m begging you! I would lie in the dirt before you if I didn’t need to hold him up right now!”
“No need for that, honestly my dear. I will sing for him.”
Rea’chim starts to make the same beautiful sound that Kyria made when we met that poor little injured lamb, and I can feel the pain in my body subsiding, the air no longer cold on my open wound as it seals and heals.
“There we are Pete. All better now?”
“Yes, thankyou. Are you OK Kyria?”
“I’m not sure the tears will stop Pete, I’m sorry, I’m sorry…”
“It’s really OK, take all the time you need, I promise I’m OK now, I promise I won’t go anywhere.”
“Will your tears stop Pete?”
I suddenly realise that I’m crying myself, profusely at that.
“I’m sure they will soon, don’t you worry about that.”
We both smile at each other, and enjoy a few peaceful minutes under the stars.

“Well, I’d better be on my way, you know if they catch me they’ll have me court-martialled for this.”
“But why? You’re a hero!”
“Yes, well, I’m afraid the law doesn’t really view it that way. Trust me, you were worth the bother.
“Can we do anything to help you?”
I’m pleased to hear Kyria say this, as I was wondering about it myself.
“Keep being kind. To yourselves and to each other. And don’t worry about clean-up - I’ll get it sorted.”
She says this with a friendly smile and a wink. She’s a little terrifying occasionally, but a good person - at least in my opinion.
“Right, off I go!”
She makes another pretty sound and a ship descends from the sky, she climbs aboard and before I know it, she’s gone, having disappeared into the night sky.
“I do hope she’ll be alright Pete.”
“Me too Kyria.”
I take my friend’s hand and hold it gently in my own.
“I was just thinkin’… were there good things about your planet too? Things ya miss?”
“Yes… quite a few… I will miss the music the most I think.”
“Can everyone sing like you and Rea’chim where you’re from?”
“Not everyone… but many can. It is very woven into our society.”
“We can sing together, if you like?”
“That would make me even happier Pete. I am happiest when I am with you.”
“You’re gonna make me cry again!” I say.
They instantly lower their head dejectedly.
“Oh I am sorry… are you displeased with what I said?”
“Kyria, there’s always a song inside me when I’m with you.”
“…is it a happy song?”
“It’s a symphony. All a life.”
Kyria smiles, and the sun shines out of their face, as if they were a small, humble deity of some kind.
“Let’s keep living!” They say this joyously.
“Absolutely!” I say, beaming right back at them.
More artworks, I'm not sure what kind of background to do for the one with the cat and raven but I will figure it out eventually I hope :)


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I've gotten into video and audio editing in the last year, I like to mix and match different sources but unfortunately do to various reasons I can't post links to most of my work.
Few more drawings/paintings plus a necklace and a couple of wire and bead sculptures of trees with flowers blooming on them - I made the two trees today and yesterday as I got some jewellery wire and pliers that arrived on Sunday afternoon, I am also very excited about Derwent Artbars atm - they're a discontinued art product that was available in 72 colours, and I got the 36 colour set on Ebay, they actually come out rather nicely if you paint over the colours and produce some neat effects that you can't get with Inktense blocks or watercolour pencils, though I have yet to compare them with water-soluble oil pastels or watercolour crayon brands such as Neocolor II and Lyra :)


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  • My Artwork Black Ship On Rainbow Sunset Background With Green Sea Derwent Artbars Black Oil Pa...jpg
    My Artwork Black Ship On Rainbow Sunset Background With Green Sea Derwent Artbars Black Oil Pa...jpg
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Here is my first update in quite a long time, this is a song I wrote and I actually recorded a demo for it, though it's literally all just my voice - I na na na through all the parts that would be done by instruments if I could play one/knew how to use Garageband XP I don't think you can upload voice clips here and I won't be uploading it to YouTube but here're the lyrics anyway (bits in bold are not lyrics just meant to help the reader understand how the song is meant to sound) :)

to tune of Verse

Rip up the papers with the most heartless rules
I don’t wanna be the cruel leader’s tool
Building a mission and a vision in a dizzy haze
Gotta find my way out of this fuckin’ maze

Life is getting kinda lysergic
Can’t have any dreams I’m allergic
Wanna wake up really don’t wanna die
I’m alive I’m alive I’m alive I’m alive yeah

to tune of Chorus

All that you do
All that you see
I’m feeling so worn down
Send me to sleep

Feeling so lost
Apart from the herd
But still it can be
Such a beautiful world, yeaaahhh

to tune of Verse

I’m feelin’ high, I’m feelin’ low
Mostly the latter, as you probably know
I gave myself a kiss on the back of my hand
Then ran around and got together this kickass band

to tune of Chorus

All that you give
And all that you take
What kind of world
Would you like to make

All that you feel
In your aching heart
Let’s make things better
Let’s be the start


If you could do anything
Go anywhere
What would you mend
And what would you tear?
If life was an oyster
A glimmering pearl
Where would you wander
In this magical world

to tune of Chorus

All that you say
All that you seek
I’m feeling enchanted
Lay down with me

We could be heroes
People of peace
I’m not too wild
and I don’t need a leash

to tune of Chorus

What will you break
And what will you build
What moves you deeply
’Til your heart is filled

Emotion and reason
The soul and the brain
Let’s make a place
Where there’s no more pain
A batch of work from last year - I found 2022 pretty difficult and didn't do masses of art in the last few months of it but here's what I did finish that I like :)


  • My Artwork Vintage Faire Poster Lettering Horse Docrafts Artiste Brush Pens Vintage Colours.jpg
    My Artwork Vintage Faire Poster Lettering Horse Docrafts Artiste Brush Pens Vintage Colours.jpg
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  • My Artwork The Lion King Brings Light and Peace to a World of Bloodshed Digital Oils iPad Art ...jpg
    My Artwork The Lion King Brings Light and Peace to a World of Bloodshed Digital Oils iPad Art ...jpg
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  • My Artwork Dad's Birthday Bookmark Oil Paint Marker Pens Back.jpg
    My Artwork Dad's Birthday Bookmark Oil Paint Marker Pens Back.jpg
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  • My Artwork Dad's Birthday Bookmark Oil Paint Marker Pens Front.jpg
    My Artwork Dad's Birthday Bookmark Oil Paint Marker Pens Front.jpg
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  • My Artwork Peas in a Pod Individuality and Belonging Happy Oven Bake Polymer Clay.jpg
    My Artwork Peas in a Pod Individuality and Belonging Happy Oven Bake Polymer Clay.jpg
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  • My Artwork Peas in a Pod Individuality and Belonging Sad Oven Bake Polymer Clay.jpg
    My Artwork Peas in a Pod Individuality and Belonging Sad Oven Bake Polymer Clay.jpg
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  • My Artwork Ye... it's one hecc of a complex pickle alrite *ponders intensely* Oil Paint Marker...jpg
    My Artwork Ye... it's one hecc of a complex pickle alrite *ponders intensely* Oil Paint Marker...jpg
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  • My Artwork Owl and Pussycat on Partly Green Boat Watercolour Crayons Oil Paint Marker Pens.jpg
    My Artwork Owl and Pussycat on Partly Green Boat Watercolour Crayons Oil Paint Marker Pens.jpg
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  • My Artwork Abstract Flowers and Fruit Watercolour Pencils Fineliner Pens Painting With Gel Pen...jpg
    My Artwork Abstract Flowers and Fruit Watercolour Pencils Fineliner Pens Painting With Gel Pen...jpg
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  • My Artwork Sun Tree Birds Iridescent Oil Paint Sticks.jpg
    My Artwork Sun Tree Birds Iridescent Oil Paint Sticks.jpg
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Here are a few more pieces of art and a piece of writing that I did for a friend for their birthday to cheer them up :)

"Awesome McCoolFish was born from the annals of legend (and also from a small egg). He’s colourful and a pretty chill dude. People often ask him “Awesome McCoolFish, how do you do it?” and he generally says “do what?” in response, being slightly confused as to what it is that they are referring to. His sunglasses also draw attention (and won a prestigious industry prize once for representing abstract concepts in art. They’re talented sunglasses.) The most common question asked about those is “how do you wear sunglasses underwater?” to which he usually replies “I don’t know kiddo, go ask your mother” or attempts a gentle evasion by commenting on how nice or not the weather is today under the sea, and then remarking “The Little Mermaid! Classic am I right?” Chill, but a bit awkward, with his shades taped to his face using double-sided ocean glue, and having slightly questionable parenting skills - that’s Awesome McCoolFish. One time he pulled a sword from a stone while dancing with a devilfish in the pale moonlight, which he regards as one of the more memorable experiences of his life, up there with his first hug from his lil tadpole, and discovering the delicious taste of cheese (for himself - impressively shiny though he is, he didn’t invent cheese and he has to live with that knowledge every day, as all of us must who are not the one who invented cheese). He likes a range of music and sometimes DJs at undersea raves, but when he’s really tired or wants to do a 1000-piece jigsaw puzzle with kiddo, he just leaves a papier-mache model of himself propped up on the deck and puts on a very long playlist so (fingers crossed!) no-one will notice he’s not actually there that evening. The last jigsaw they did had a picture of a dog in a backwards cap, a checkered shirt and baggy rolled up 3-quarter length jeans, on a skateboard with flames painted all over both sides, on it - Cool right? :D His best friends are a crab who loves donuts (and always has one on hand for snacking emergencies), an elephant with a hat, and a turtle with a heart on her back, who I have enclosed a small statue of! The star is really more of an acquaintance but they are on good terms :)"

(Yes there was an accompanying artwork but I won't share it here cuz it's got our real names on it, but I have attached a picture of the polymer clay turtle) :)


  • Polymer Clay Turtle on Colourful Sea Background.jpg
    Polymer Clay Turtle on Colourful Sea Background.jpg
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  • My Artwork Colourful Abstract %22Tesselating%22 Shapes Docrafts Artiste Brush Pens Vintage Col...jpg
    My Artwork Colourful Abstract %22Tesselating%22 Shapes Docrafts Artiste Brush Pens Vintage Col...jpg
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  • My Artwork Coming of Spring Sad Bunny in Meadow Sun Flowers Sky Coloured Pencils Brush Pen.jpg
    My Artwork Coming of Spring Sad Bunny in Meadow Sun Flowers Sky Coloured Pencils Brush Pen.jpg
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  • My Artwork Lion Sun and Usagi Bunny Moon Sky Trees Flowers Fruit Mountains Oil Pastels.jpg
    My Artwork Lion Sun and Usagi Bunny Moon Sky Trees Flowers Fruit Mountains Oil Pastels.jpg
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Here are my first two completed artworks of 2023, I am aiming to finish 50 pictures this year, as I only thought of this goal in the 3rd week of the year and don't want to stress myself out playing catch up for the first two weeks hence 50 pictures rather than 52 :)


  • My Artwork Raindrops, Burnt Trees, Gemstones on Blue Week 3 Picture 1 2023.jpg
    My Artwork Raindrops, Burnt Trees, Gemstones on Blue Week 3 Picture 1 2023.jpg
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  • My Artwork Colourful Sky Hot Air Balloons Dirigible Witch Children Birds Sun Clouds Week 4 Pic...jpg
    My Artwork Colourful Sky Hot Air Balloons Dirigible Witch Children Birds Sun Clouds Week 4 Pic...jpg
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I wrote a poem today :)

I can find myself strangely nostalgic about the internal torments of yesterday
The moments when I stood outside as the warmth of summer
Gave way to the chill and breeze of autumn
At dusk
And I felt as if the mood of the changing season drifted into me and through me
As if I were merely a vessel for some great ache of the earth
All those subtle melancholies and auras of sadness
A feeling with many flavours, none of them particularly pleasant
Yet they feel like… home?
They call to me in the midst of my cosy euphoria
“This is where you belong
This is what you are
Feeling loved is overrated
Suffer and be good and worthy
Misery is who you are
Misery makes the woman”
I don’t really have an answer to that complex pain
Happiness is still an uneasy sensation
As is joy
But I won’t throw away
The ones who make me feel loved
The soft fragments of heaven that envelop me like winged angels
I won’t scorn their kindness
Selfishly, I will let myself be adored and I will adore others
Even if ultimately,
Everything, everywhere
Comes to an end one day
Sadness seems to have so many variations
Happiness perhaps less so
Unused to stability
But craving it
I stumble forward like a fawn
For week 6 of the year, I made myself some lovely bloomers instead of doing a picture, I love the fabric and I think they look really cute! I had already measured and cut two rectangles of fabric months ago but the rest of the work was done from Monday evening to Tuesday evening 🥰👍


  • My Sewing Orange Yellow Multicolour Bloomers Week 6 Creative Project 4.jpg
    My Sewing Orange Yellow Multicolour Bloomers Week 6 Creative Project 4.jpg
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  • Orange Yellow Fabric With Multicolour Details.jpg
    Orange Yellow Fabric With Multicolour Details.jpg
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I made a dress as well! I used two fabrics, I think it looks rly cute and I'm also thinking of doing some wings on the back that are attached to the sleeves but I might make that a separate piece of clothing so I can wear it with multiple outfits, I also wanna make one of those mini-cape/shrug things that's kind of like a large fancy attachable collar (and an actual full cape/cloak at some point) :)


  • My Sewing Dress With Best Friends Bears Pink Orange Yellow Multicolour Fabric Week 7 Creative ...jpg
    My Sewing Dress With Best Friends Bears Pink Orange Yellow Multicolour Fabric Week 7 Creative ...jpg
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  • Orange Yellow Fabric With Multicolour Details.jpg
    Orange Yellow Fabric With Multicolour Details.jpg
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  • Bear Fabric Featuring Bears Doing Typical Bear Activities Like Riding Bikes.jpg
    Bear Fabric Featuring Bears Doing Typical Bear Activities Like Riding Bikes.jpg
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  • My Sewing Dress Back With Best Friends Bears Pink Orange Yellow Multicolour Fabric Week 7 Crea...jpg
    My Sewing Dress Back With Best Friends Bears Pink Orange Yellow Multicolour Fabric Week 7 Crea...jpg
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This week I'm a magician! JK but I made an awesome cape for myself XD Yes week 8 of the year has only just begun today but I'm trying to stay at least one week ahead with all my goals for the year so that I will not get behind if I fall ill or something like that :)


  • Mauve Satin Jacquard with Gold Flower Pattern Fabric.jpg
    Mauve Satin Jacquard with Gold Flower Pattern Fabric.jpg
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  • My Sewing Cape Mauve Satin Jacquard with Gold Flower Pattern Ribbon Tie Week 8 Creative Projec...jpg
    My Sewing Cape Mauve Satin Jacquard with Gold Flower Pattern Ribbon Tie Week 8 Creative Projec...jpg
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Birb! :) Another picture I had started quite a while ago which I decided to finish for this week's creative project, I do have the Faber Castell Black Edition Coloured Pencils (50 set and 12 set of neons and pastels) on the way (as in I've ordered them online) as I want to do more art on black paper :)


  • My Artwork Bird Surrounded by Flowers Black Paper Coloured Pencils Tooli Art Acrylic Paint Pen...jpg
    My Artwork Bird Surrounded by Flowers Black Paper Coloured Pencils Tooli Art Acrylic Paint Pen...jpg
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The Faber Castell Black Edition Coloured Pencils arrived and I did a picture using a bit of pretty much every colour lol, I also did a nice acrylic painting :)


  • My Artwork Light Can Always Be Found In the Darkness Faber Castell Black Edition Coloured Penc...jpg
    My Artwork Light Can Always Be Found In the Darkness Faber Castell Black Edition Coloured Penc...jpg
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  • My Artwork Bird Sun Ships Sea Acrylic Paint Acrylic Paint Markers Black Paper Week 11 Picture 9.jpg
    My Artwork Bird Sun Ships Sea Acrylic Paint Acrylic Paint Markers Black Paper Week 11 Picture 9.jpg
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Since I did a couple of extra pieces this week I will aim for one per week this year after all (so 52 rather than 50) as I've now done 10 creative projects this year and it's only week 9 :) I was planning to add more to this but decided it looks best as it currently is with the negative space and minimalist vibe, I used my Tooli-Art Acrylic Paint Markers on black paper :)


  • My Artwork Sun and Flowers on Black Week 10 Picture 10 .jpg
    My Artwork Sun and Flowers on Black Week 10 Picture 10 .jpg
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My latest art is of an old woman walking out of a sort of sea of depression, feeling at peace with herself and her changing body
She also has a cool red cape
it's acrylic on white watercolor card and I used acrylic paint markers and oil paint markers to add some gold and silver :) Picture 8 cuz I did three sewing projects this year :)


  • My Artwork Old Woman Walks Out of Depression Sea Into the Light Feeling at Peace Acrylic Paint...jpg
    My Artwork Old Woman Walks Out of Depression Sea Into the Light Feeling at Peace Acrylic Paint...jpg
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As it turns out I really like working on black XP So yea here we have some pretty flowers lookin' all shiny and whatnot, I got a lovely set of richly pigmented acrylic paints recently from a brand called Meeden and I used them for most of this picture. I also got some gorgeous pastel acrylic markers from Tooli-Art in 24 colours, but I haven't used them to make a picture yet as I'm waiting on a replacement for one faulty pen which has been sent out but not arrived yet, I have primed them though so I do know what every colour looks like on white paper at least :)


  • My Artwork Flowers Acrylic on Black Card Week 12 Picture 09.jpg
    My Artwork Flowers Acrylic on Black Card Week 12 Picture 09.jpg
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Did most of this by getting the acrylic paint markers to express some extra paint via vigorous pumping, then finger painting, which was rly fun and I think it looks very cute... what will I do when I run out of black paper and card tho? 🤔 😅 😭

EDIT: Yes I know I could buy some more but I am trying not to buy so much stuff that I don't need rn for various reasons and also have some money worries :confused:


  • My Artwork Happy Little Snake Exploring Jungle Acrylic Paint Markers Finger Painting Black Car...jpg
    My Artwork Happy Little Snake Exploring Jungle Acrylic Paint Markers Finger Painting Black Car...jpg
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