Who else is really looking forward to .hack//G.U.

Can't wait, the first .hack thing for quite a while, I just pray that there is another tv series on the way aswell.
Well i'm not looking forward to it, but purely because i havn't really heard much about it until now, but i will go and watch the trailer and see what i think
I got the first game and really liked it but for some reason I lost interest and nether bothered getting the other ones...
I've never bought any of them so far, though i was considering it yesterday when i was out shopping.
I havn't looked at the trailer yet, i decided to get a early nights sleep last night....and then ended up staying up past three reading Manga, i will have a look at it now
im looking forward to it despite i havent played qurantine yet the trailer was awsome it a shame none of the old characters are in it but kite looked so cool yet scary.
i also plan to get this game when it comes out. tho there are more inporant thing on my list of things to buy at the moment. oh and i need to finsh the frist lot of game frist too. :)
oh, i just noticed this now, this looks great, the cell shading is actually a great addition to it. i have to finish of the .hack series of games first then the anime series. then i most probably will get the manga. this will be on my list the minute the release date is out.
I'll also be purchasing this; the .hack games, in my mind, are not the best around, but they're still great fun. The prospect of one being as big as the previous games put together is exciting, and another chapter in the .hack story is always welcome.

I think neptune2venus has the right buying idea, which I shall promptly copy.
i have the first 2 PS2 games i wasnt really impressed (probably cos i had the second before the first hehe) but there was a point i was getting into it before i tidied my PS2 away and forgot about it. the .Hack/GU does look ok and the online one that doesnt need subscription seems like its going to be similar to the way Guildwars works where the root town is where you meet people and the zones are all instanced so theres only you or your group in there if they didnt do that i imagine it would cost alot to run like most MMORPGS
I'm definately looking forward to it.

I think i will start to get the whole series of games,anime and manga, i just need 2 save up first.

is there any order i should do it in first?

Coz i think SIGN is before Legend of the Twilight, but i dont know about the games. And the manga (which is being released as a box set, YAY
http://www.amazon.co.uk/exec/obidos/ASI ... 70-4274004 ) i have to get that when it comes out! Plus the SIGN box set, wow soooo excited! :p
I haven't played the .hack series...

I had found the first (.hack//sign I think...) in offer, but before buying it I want to ask your opinion...