Which is better Naruto, Bleach, Or Fullmetal Alchemist?

You'll have to watch Bleach to judge dear, and Naruto is DBZ with ninjas because like 200 chapters in it's like suppa powwa ninja shuriken blasts of doom!
Chibi Vampire said:
Okay people I love FMA to hell (well who wouldnt if you found out theres a character with your name in it and the storyline rocks like hell) but in this case I'm voting for Naruto due to the fact that it is very humerous and I love the action in it ^_^. I hate the damn people who say "It's DBZ with ningas in it" well first of all I used to hate DBZ like hell and why would i like naruto if it's almost the same as DBZ only with ninjas? And about bleach I don't think I'll be interested in it because it sounds crap from the looks of it.If you can DarthNaruto give it a -1 :p.

what character is it ?
What's wrong with ninjas? :evil:

I like these shows for the action, same as why I like Kung-fu films. Bleach and Naruto do what they set out to do, and they're fun to watch. Full Metal Alchemist seems to have a different set of aims (it's not all about the fighting and has a proper story, right?). Don't think they should be compared too closely as they're not that similar in that respect.
Yep, I'd have to say FMA, Naruto is mega boring with the filler arcs at the moment, and its very long winded compared to FMA, Bleach, well, I personally prefer the manga, but thats just me ^^;
I gotta go with Bleach. I have up to vol.5 of Naruto and I've watched some on YouTube. FMA Is good on Rapture. But I'd have to go with Bleach all the way!
i am finding it hard to choose between Naruto and FMA, because both have that sentimental feeling for me.
err... i would have to go with Naruto...and FMA comes very close.
but bleach, its a good anime, i really like it but, man it's just a straight copy of Yu Yu Hakusho....the similarities are too close to be called coincidences lol. still good though.
Naruto and like 3cm away is FMA, lol
They're all totally different anime styles, though I personally prefer Naruto of the three for its staying power. BLEACH's greatness comes and goes, but as long as Naruto follows the manga, it has a consistent brilliance unhindered by the same anime conversion rape which BLEACH gets. At least the Naruto anime is somewhat like the manga.

Also, the great thing about Naruto is the fact that you can pick it up at almost any time. If you watch a random episode, of BLEACH, you'll have no ******* clue what's going on. But Naruto?

"Right. Some sexy skinny guy is running faster than the speed of light around a hard-**** sandy butt. Got it. Now I just have to play Plug In Baby by Muse and touch myself. Man, this is awesome."
Not seen Naruto, so I can't comment on that (except I know they stole a fighting scene of Cowboy Bebop, I think...)

Bleach is a great Shonen anime. I liked the storyline from start of Bleach to the end of the "Soul Society saga." The saga with the Bounto is ok, just seems a bit off for me.

FMA has my full backing. Some twisted plots, a nice sense of fantasy with the Alchemy, and it's on-going story always intrests me.
Personally I prefer FMA over Naruto & Bleach. The reason being is that I felt FMA did all the things that the other two did (action, comedy, drama etc.) but just alot better. It's down to your preference in style I suppose, but FMA had alot more "Umph" compared to the other to in my eyes.