Which First? Anime or Manga

Which do you go for first?

  • Anime

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  • Manga

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  • Depends

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  • I ordered a Cheesebuger

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Thousand Master
Which do you go for first? Do you read the manga first, then if its any good go for the anime, or the other way round? Personally I try and watch the anime first as it is a lot more difficult to skip over the wordy bits in the anime form, which i do in the manga (joys of dyslexia). Thing is it's easier to get hold of the manga, so sometimes read it first.
I try to go for whichever came first. If it's an animated adaptation of a manga for instance, I read the manga first where possible and watch the anime afterwards. I suppose it's because I like to judge the adaptation on the merits of the original - the same goes for any film that's based on a book. I prefer to read the book and getting a feel for how the story was intended to be told, before watching the movie version.
Either or for me..it really depends, like maybe how much money i have to spend or something, if i have maybe a tenner then i would go for a manga or say £20 i would go for the anime. That or i could have heard about the manga being available but the anime isn't as yet for purchase.
It depends what mood i'm in and how much money I have with me X3 Normaly I will read Manga first, If I enjoyed the Manga then I move on to the Anime ^^
With the really well-known stuff like DBZ and Yu-Gi-Oh, I saw the anime first, then went for the manga.

I can't really stand watching much anime these days though...I usually buy volume 1 of some random series, and either never watch it or decide I hate it.
If an anime has a half-arsed ending (i.e. Fruits Basket, Kare Kano, Hana Yori Dango, Yami no Matsuei) then I will read the manga afterwards to see what I missed out on. Most of my manga tends to be shoujo anyway and I don't often read anything other than that, so I wouldn't be tempted to read a manga of a shounen show just because I watched the anime, or even if I hadn't.
I have been tempted not to watch a few shows where I'd read the manga first, just incase the anime was screwed up!
hopeful_monster said:
ConcreteBadger said:
I try to go for whichever came first.

While I agree it can be difficult to know which came first, for example Gantz or elfen Lied were manga first, but since they haven't been officially translated can't always get them.
I know where you're coming from - that's precisely the problem I'm having with Welcome to the NHK!. The anime is good but from what I've heard the manga is much better - definitely something I'd read if it was actually released over here.

It might be out towards the end of the year though. *fingers crossed*
It's random with me... I either get the anime/manga and then not the other, or I may get them both. Whichever comes 1st doesn't usually concern me.
Up until now I've generally been checking out the anime first, but that's more due to the fact that I can rent DVDs, but I have to buy the manga (my local library doesn't really stock any).

I have been let down a couple of times by this now, though. Most strikingly is Peacemaker, the first manga (Shinsengumi Imon Peacemaker) keeps a very tight storyline and plot, whilst the anime throws in all these weird, out of place mystical plotlines (think they're from the second manga).

More annoyingly there was the Fruits Basket anime. I love it, it's funny and sweet, but the ending's a cop-out, and it has so much less depth than the manga. That's the thing I generally find, that the manga is deeper and more involved than the anime. I know this will mainly be due to time and budget restraints, but sometimes I can't help but wonder why they've discarded a perfectly good plot twist in favour of something improbable and ridiculous (some of the changes to arcs from the first Rurouni Kenshin series are a case in point)

So, from now on, I'm going to go for what came first if I can. This also goes for prose novels, I've just started on the Vampire Hunter D series, which they started translating and releasing last year. I'd love to read the originals, but my Japanese isn't good enough to tackle prose yet. :cry:
I usually go for Manga frist, even though some of the Anime's was created before the Manga such as evangelion. The reason why I go for Mnaga frist is because the story is better and easy to undertsnad.