Whats the big deal bitch?


Stand User
Right im not gonna go into a whole big gay rights thing here but since reading that taxes ban on gay marriage yesterday something keeps going over in my head.

Marriage is as far as i understand it, a contract under god and government binding 2 people together.

A Civil Partnership is a contract under government to bind 2 people together.

Yeah so why do people against gay marriage have such a problem with civil partnerships? They are entitled to their opinion. The church is entitled to not marry 2 gay men. And their followers have the right to feel that it underminds "real" marriage by letting same sex couples marry. I can understand that.

But the government has a duty to treat all of its people equally. It shouldnt be a matter of a vote thats just the way it is. Why not just give them civil partnerships?

I mean whats the big f*cking deal bitch? Its like they go out of their way to hate. Why? Its such a waste of time. These are christian people. Instead of protesting against civil partnerships go feed the homeless or go to church and pray for us... or some sh*t, i dunno.

How does it affect them? How does 2 people they dont know, dont want to know and who dont want to them, being "partnered" affect them?

Its not like i go to church just to preach the word of Darwin and force them to watch zietgeist. I dont do that because i dont care and i dont care because... why the f*ck should i?

So... Why the f*ck should they?
When politics/government does pay attention to the people it is meant to be there for - those very few, fleeting times - it pays attention to the majority of registered voters and only if its something easy and quick to do :p, else it screws everyone
By default, humans are generally a hateful race that take pleasure in the suffering of those different to themselves, as demonstrated by the entire history of the human race. Thats why it sucks to be part of any minority. People's hatred of things different to their vision of how things should be is such that they cannot 'live & let live'. Rather, they would like to make those things go away & live comfortably in their narrow-minded little world. They want the world to conform to their beliefs. A bit like Republican America you could say.
By any chance, skikes, is the line that's meant to follow your title "F*ck fu*kidy f*ck-fu*k-f*ck" - ?

Also, I have no frakking clue why they should care. If Prop 8 can't pass, there's no hope for the rest of the states it seems.
skikes said:
South park FTW!

Hmmm i think maybe matsumi has hit the nail on the head.

Aye, my words may be true, but that does not mean all of humanity is this way. At least, not so much as to be a threat. Minorities must band together for the comfort of mutual acceptance within a community of their own. The misguided views of the ignorant & narrow-minded masses are rarely changed, & those who have succeeded have usually done so at the cost of their own life. A calm cynicism & awareness of what is wrong with the world coupled with a knack for avoiding all bad people you cannot either defeat or escape from will see you through.

Honestly though, I'm a cheerful optimistic person really. :D
Mutsumi said:
skikes said:
South park FTW!

Hmmm i think maybe matsumi has hit the nail on the head.
Aye, my words may be true, but that does not mean all of humanity is this way. At least, not so much as to be a threat. Minorities must band together for the comfort of mutual acceptance within a community of their own. The misguided views of the ignorant & narrow-minded masses are rarely changed, & those who have succeeded have usually done so at the cost of their own life. A calm cynicism & awareness of what is wrong with the world coupled with a knack for avoiding all bad people you cannot either defeat or escape from will see you through.
Some days I think this way, other days I think "why the hell should I have to watch what I say and do for the benefit of others who have a problem with that?" and am seriously up for some ass kicking. I manage to weigh the scales between order and chaos fairly well most of the time, but this is why I can sometimes be a force for calm and other times somewhat bloody minded.

So, for these small minded bastards we could either say live and let live or we could kill 'em all. I'd be happy with either. Time for a ballot?
I think it's all a matter of patience. Basically, we have to wait for the older generations and their biases and religiosity to die out. When youth asked whether gay couples should have access to marriage or not (and that's all it is; it is not altering marriage or creating a new institution, it's merely allowing certain couples access to marriage as it currently exists), they don't even know why you're asking the question. It's a no-brainer for them. So I really have no doubt that gay marriage will be legalised all over western Europe and the U.S. (possibly excepting some horrifically backward states like Utah and Oklahoma) within the next 20 years, easily.
CitizenGeek said:
I think it's all a matter of patience. Basically, we have to wait for the older generations and their biases and religiosity to die out.

Harsh but true. I don't really understand why some people have such a thing against it either - but I know from experience arguing with my now-dead grandparents that getting the older generations to let go of the way things have been for a while is very difficult.

I had a non-religious civil marriage and there was nothing in there at all that leant upon religious tradition or heterosexuality, yet I'm still legally married and got to have a nice party with my friends of all different preferences and backgrounds. What's the problem with homosexuals getting to enjoy the same? Silly world.

I think it's cruellest in certain parts of America where the validity of the poor couples' weddings seem to be put under threat like yo-yos for political reasons every few years. It must drive them crazy.
