What's Robotech Remastered like?


Dandy Guy, in Space
Having already got the original ADV DVD release of Robotech (the 2 volumes+extras box set release), and having been interested in the Remastered version, I was wondering how it compares to the original release of Robotech, just how remastered is it and how much extra footage is in it
This site's reviewage

Basically it's got a great sound and picture quality for an old show and there are a few extra scenes added, but quite frankly you'd do yourself a real favour if you wait for the re-release of Macross instead (it's out early next year I think).
Robotech is the only seire thats coming out that i have no intension of buying.
it just looks to out dataed and it looks like a mecha serie and nothing else. i only like mecha seires if they also have other things about them like FMP which was so funny. or gundam seed which was more about war.
GrantM said:
Having already got the original ADV DVD release of Robotech (the 2 volumes+extras box set release), and having been interested in the Remastered version, I was wondering how it compares to the original release of Robotech, just how remastered is it and how much extra footage is in it

The remaster isnt the best and the re-inclusion of the scenes originally cut makes parts of it an absolute mess, plus it doesnt have the extra's, if you have the original set dont bother with it.
Hybridchild said:
GrantM said:
Having already got the original ADV DVD release of Robotech (the 2 volumes+extras box set release), and having been interested in the Remastered version, I was wondering how it compares to the original release of Robotech, just how remastered is it and how much extra footage is in it

The remaster isnt the best and the re-inclusion of the scenes originally cut makes parts of it an absolute mess, plus it doesnt have the extra's, if you have the original set dont bother with it.

Well I do have the original DVD box sets by ADV, all 7 of them
to the person saying is robotech just a mecha series well its nothing like your basic mecha series its a war story like most of the gundams are.
but if you can get over the age (and you would have to do the same if you want to get into more gundams like the movies because they are just as old) i would recommend it. and while the boxsets here dont have any extras or anything i think alot of people seem to be forgetting the great price thats £12 for 12 episodes thats a bargin.
Wow a mecha story thats also a war story! :p

The assumption is that a mecha show is a war story so i'm pretty sure he's looking for more than that. But thats not the point of the thread anyway.
Well in general id normally advise anyone to watch Macross and Mospeada, and maybe Southern Cross if they have time, instead of Robotech but as i didnt want to seem like a rabid Macross Fanboy :p
I'm still waiting on Macross Zero.

Yes the plot could have been better, but the action sequences really are awesome.

As for the original series, unless you were a fan of Robotech back in the day (like me) and are looking for that nostalgia, I'd recommend waiting on Macross.
Zero wont be licenced until all the problems with the Macross copyrights and such are sorted out between Big West, Bandai, Tatsunoko and Harmony Gold which will not happen for a good while yet.

Last i heard the outstanding law suits and such would not even reach their next stage until the end of next year and could run much longer than that
subedii said:
Yes the plot could have been better, but the action sequences really are awesome.
I've done a short thingy on M0 for this month's Unwashed article - basically I agree that it verges on shallow eye candy territory. I guess it was so damned expensive to make that they couldn't afford to animate any more footage! It's a shame really - the visuals and characters could make it to be a real winner if there was more running time to explore them all.