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Final Fantasy VII Remake (PS4)

Wow, this was fantastic, from start to finish. For context my only experience with FF7 is Advent Children and I have briefly played a little of Dirge of Cerberus but I don't even remember anything from the latter. Adore the characters, a lot of very touching moments, the gameplay is fun (I don't mind turn-based but prefer action), the game looks amazing and the story and world kept me glued to the game for the past four days, I don't really know what much else to say apart from that I had a great time with the game and I'm so bummed I don't have a PS5 for the Intergrade content and the upcoming second part, Rebirth, hopefully I will by the time the game comes around. In the meantime though I feel I will definitely be pre-ordering Crisis Core Reunion as that will be available on both PS4 and Switch. I do also have a gaming PC but I don't think it could run FF7R Intergrade, not super well anyway and £70.00 is way to much on Steam. What I have done though is look on ebay and found a pre-owned copy of the Deluxe Edition of the game on PS4 which looks to be in excellent condition and for a great price so I grabbed that up, wanted to replace my copy anyway as I got it from CeX and it was left with some real bad sticker residue.

Score - 10/10
