What games are you looking foward to in 2008?

Arbalest said:
Ryo Chan said:
Daggar said:
Hm.. Not much for me

Dynasty Warriors 6 (PS3)
Neverwinter nights expansion 2 (PC)
Tales of Symphonia 2

Gaming News
Bioware relased info on a Sonic RPG game they are making for the DS in Nintendo Power this month.

they're making a Tales of Symphonia 2?


Indeed, its been planned for ages, They've already got trailers for it out. Its planned to be released in japan in April.

shame it's for the wii which isn't multiregion

still the other "tales of" games made it here, why shouldn't this one
Phoenix wright 3(i hate importing stuff after the last time i did it)
Silent hill 5
Resident evil 5
the world ends with you
half life 2 episode 3
dynasty warriors 6