What Cosplays Have you done?

sagasimon said:
well... my last & only cosplay was like in 1999...? and funny, cause it was from 'X/1999' xDDDDDDDD

I dressed up as Sorata Arisugawa, and since none of us seen anime yet, we all dressed blk&white _^_ later I found out that the stripes and "A" on my shirt should've been yellow, not white xDDD
0.0 That was 10 years ago XD
xxXXmoomooXXxx said:
0.0 That was 10 years ago XD

yeah... I know... it's a long break... I never had anyone willing to dress up with me later :/

well I kinda did transformed myself into manba on New Years Eve 07/08, but dunno if it counts, since it's not a convention xD
last cosplay was as an anbu black ops ninja from naruto for halloween night out!

last expo I was at (May 08) I cosplayed as Sagara Sanosuke from Rurouni Kenshin
I've got a semi finished Hatori costume from Fruits Basket(not sure what to do about the seahorse thing ^_^;),A work-in-progress Allen Walker from D.Gray Man for the October expo, and a Tykki Mikk( also D.Gray Man) that I may be using for Comic Relief next month with some friends!!^__^
My only cosplay would be Urahara Kisuke from Bleach. General Note: Sometimes you will get fangirls come up to you and ask for your photo if you are a popular character!

Ones that I'm working on:

Choji Akimichi - Naruto Shippuden
Vincent Law - Ergo Proxy
The "Attention Duelist" guy from Yugioh Abridged series (I can't remember his proper name in the manga!)