What are you watching right now

The original Russian Solaris has been on in the background for the past 2 hours. I had wanted to watch it but it seems I didn't have the patience tonight.

Ah well. Having Russians talking as background noise makes a change. It's better than the car alarm I'd have to listen to if I turned it off.
Currently, my three addictions are;

The amazingly brilliant 30 Rock. I can easily say it deserves all the accolades it's received and going to receive. I'm only on the first season, been watching it as FIVE repeated the first season but I love it so so much. Even though FIVE are apparently airing Season 2 either this month or the next, on one of its sister channels, I have a feeling I'm going to jump the gun and watch ahead...

The Office (US/An American Workplace). I originally disregarded it, for ages. Ricky Gervais is my favourite comedian, and it was one of them tragic remakes -- How wrong I was. Five seasons, and still plowing. Again, I love the characters and I find it much easier to get to know and understand characters within sitcoms without the usually off-putting laughter-track or studio audience.

And, lastly Smallville. I don't evoke half as much emotion over this series, and I suppose that is why it's not exactly award-winning. The mythology episodes are possibly its strength at the moment (S3). I'm intrigued about all the characters and the implied teen-show love triangle. I'm more excited about where it goes in later seasons.
Dexter started airing, for the first time, on Irish television (it's on TV3) tonight and I'm currently watching the second episode on TV3's supplement channel, 3e. It's awesome :]
CitizenGeek said:
Dexter started airing, for the first time, on Irish television (it's on TV3) tonight and I'm currently watching the second episode on TV3's supplement channel, 3e. It's awesome :]
I'm eager to see the third season begin on FX. Burn Notice was a decent substitute and even though I hate Dexter [show], I want to see more of it. I doubt any other season will top the brilliance of it's first season. I wish FX were more pronounced on their intentions, though. Dates for True Blood and Dollhouse, if that actually have it would be nice.

Also, Today, I'm sad -- The final episode of Gilmore Girls aired on E4 earlier, and I just watched it. I wish I could cry... I want to cry... I really, really hope ASP makes a movie, in which Jess is there, being all amazing to Rory.

For months now, I've been watching this series daily and it's finally come to an end. PLEASE LET THERE BE MORE! PLEASE!
I'm watching the second part of Dead Set, a series I'm enjoying an awful lot! :]

Jayme said:
I'm eager to see the third season begin on FX.

Yeah, we're waay behind in Ireland. Not sure why it took so long to get to Irish TV, but I'm glad it did. I have Chorus NTL, which gives me access to most of the prominent UK channels, but FX is an exception.

even though I hate Dexter [show], I want to see more of it. I doubt any other season will top the brilliance of it's first season.

So it goes downhill after the first series? :/
CitizenGeek said:
So it goes downhill after the first series? :/
I think it's better for you to see for yourself. The majority seems to side with the second season being better and exploring the characters more but I just found some parts ridiculous and clashing against the original. As much as I like the hate the show, it's still very good and worth watching.
Jayme said:
CitizenGeek said:
So it goes downhill after the first series? :/
I think it's better for you to see for yourself. The majority seems to side with the second season being better and exploring the characters more but I just found some parts ridiculous and clashing against the original. As much as I like the hate the show, it's still very good and worth watching.

I'm a big Dexter fan (read the books too); and i'd agree that it goes slightly downhill from the first season. The second is still very enjoyable but not as good. The third season, that finished airing in America back in Decemeber, is brilliant though. I thought is was easilly as good as the first.
I just finished viewing the 66th Golden Globe Awards. I watched a considerable amount of it. Fast forwarding mainly through Fern and Reggie [who I hate] on the Red Carpet and sped up some of the Awards I didn't know the nominations for.

30 Rock won!!, over The Office. I'm pleased. Tina Fey is amazing. Not to say The Office isn't, but I like Tina Fey a bit more...

Gervais acted like an idiot as a presenter as per usual. Funnier than Sacha Baron Cohen, who I don't mind, but the stars seemed to hate with the Madonna jab. I couple of presenters were good. Oh, and Winslet crying was funny.

Slumdog Millionaire! I'm impressed what Anwar from Skins has done. Speakin' of Skins. Next Thursday the new series starts.
Poker after dark. I hate Poker and shows about poker but I am too lazy to turn the channel over despite the fact the remote is as close to me as the keyboard for my PC is