What are you watching right now

Just finished watching "Eternal Summer", but maaaan, it was really good but the ending was so open, I'm not sure what I'm drawing as a conclusion!
McIcy said:
40 Year Old Virgin, this film still makes me laugh, especially the waxing schene

I love that film, just because of the awesome one liners in it.

"Andy? He's a great guy and all, but I am pretty sure he is a _serial_ murderer."

"Yeah, everyone rides a bike-- when they're fuckin' six!"

"Dude, is that the six-million dollar man's boss!?"
"He's very valuable!"
"Be that as it may, none of this **** is sexy!"

"Hey Andy, got a big box of porn for ya!"

"The **** are we, Al-Qaeda?"

"Once I take out the blade, that I conceal in my boot-- I cannot put it back until it has spilled _bloooooooooood_"

so many more... :D :lol:
latest series of Numb3rs, very cool so far especially episodes 1 and 2 so many twists in the tale.

EPISODE 2 of season 4 of numbers is a manga/comic book theft storyline WOOHOO