What are you watching right now

Watching the last scene of Death Note: The Last Name, where L Isn't dead and Light asks Ryuk to Kill everyone and Light does his ever so EVIL laugh, Shortly after he dies (taking extraordinary long to do so), L dies in the following scene

Can't help myself, i love that scene so much
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Monster Princess - decided to start a new anime and I like it, the opening song rocks and will have to put it on my mp3 player later. Plus the story is funny and I like the idea of the main character being a school kid who is raised from the dead to serve a vampire as her protector/servant, only he is only half immortal and useless so tends to die ALOT.
Lupus Inu said:
Friends - I've never really found Friends funny, ever. It's entertaining though.
I'm watching Friends also. Unlike Lupus I think it's one of the better American sitcoms and do think it's funny.