Well, hello there, guys.

James James

Completely Average High School Student
I'm James, 16 and from Liverpool. I'm no good at these intro things, so don't be expecting too much. :B I guess I was attracted to this forum because I've been looking for a UK based Anime forum, and the Phoenix Wright with a Koffing face banner really made me laugh. Anyways, I hope to be active here, and engage in any topics of discussion that I find myself interested in. My favourite Anime is FLCL or Hare Nochi Guu, and my favourite Manga is Naruto [EDIT: Although you could have figured THAT out just by looking a bit under my name, it figures. :p].
Nyu said:
Welcome, but remove atleast one of those pictures in your sig. preferable both.
Ah, alright. I guess image'd signatures are a bit of a no-no here?

And thanks for the welcome, guys.

EDIT: *to the post below* I dun mean to sound like an ass, or nothing, but don't you feel your anology of 'WTF' is a bit over the top? I mean, ****, it's a couple forum signatures that are roughly 400x200, it's not like I'm causing any scroll-bars to appear. :p
James James said:
Nyu said:
Welcome, but remove atleast one of those pictures in your sig. preferable both.
Ah, alright. I guess image'd signatures are a bit of a no-no here?

And thanks for the welcome, guys.

EDIT: *to the post below* I dun mean to sound like an ass, or nothing, but don't you feel your anology of 'WTF' is a bit over the top? I mean, ****, it's a couple forum signatures that are roughly 400x200, it's not like I'm causing any scroll-bars to appear. :p

No problem. You'd be best to ignore Hyaku, he's not right in the ol noggin.

Anyway get posting around the other parts of the forum and enjoy yourself.
Nyu said:
James James said:
Nyu said:
Welcome, but remove atleast one of those pictures in your sig. preferable both.
Ah, alright. I guess image'd signatures are a bit of a no-no here?

And thanks for the welcome, guys.

EDIT: *to the post below* I dun mean to sound like an ass, or nothing, but don't you feel your anology of 'WTF' is a bit over the top? I mean, ****, it's a couple forum signatures that are roughly 400x200, it's not like I'm causing any scroll-bars to appear. :p

No problem. You'd be best to ignore Hyaku, he's not right in the ol noggin.

Anyway get posting around the other parts of the forum and enjoy yourself.

Care to donate a few cards for my lackluster deck? :p
Ah, another one from Liverpool.

Welcome and stuff. First time I've known someone from Liverpool to know 4chan too. o_0
Welcome to the site and dont worry, were not all mad, some of us or just down right crazy muhahahahaha muhahahaha muhahahah 8)
Shades said:
Welcome to the site and dont worry, were not all mad, some of us or just down right crazy muhahahahaha muhahahaha muhahahah 8)

And some of are us are unclassified in the mental health spectrum. 8)