SQL ERROR [ mysql4 ]
Incorrect string value: '\xBF/quot...' for column 'post_text' at row 1 [1366]
chaos said:¢0.34
These are the threads explaining the issue and the workaround.Shiroi Hane said:so what was it?
I fixed the issue on the program, but if you see weird characters on any given email subject, the original poster, needs to update the actual thread name.Rui said:I think the email PM notifications are still showing weird subject lines.
Does it happens on a brand new message?Shiroi Hane said:Well, that worked. Trying a quote with boxes in.
chaos said:¢0.34
I fixed what caused the issue, but the characters that were swaped won't be recovered.
ConanThe3rd said:It's been happening too to PM emails.