Gawyn said:
Conan-san said:
Otherwise, they might as well not bother using the WORLD wide web.
Why? Everybody (in America) knows that America
is the world.
But seriously, getting a worldwide licence for this kind of thing would probably be stupidly expensive. They are more likely to trial something like this in the US where the market is much more sizeable than to publish it in Europe as well. The difficulties in handling such widescale distribution are also likely to provide problems and with servers in the US providing the backbone, the possibility of a reduced reliability of the service in the UK is also a possibility. (US-Europe work fine most of the time but they can get glitchy on occasion and viewers would not be best pleased to rent something and not be able to view it in a reasonable state.)
Then One must say "Don't even bother". The only diffrence between me and Jhony Saki over in america is where we are, nothing else, we speek english, we more than likely use the same IP protocols and operating system.
Therefore, there is nothing stoping them from releaseing deathnote in english for ENGLISH speaking countries.
Here's the curx, I WANT to give them the monies, but they won't take the monies, then they bitch when I get the thingies without paying the moines.
And the "US EUROPE INTERNETS LOLS" thing holds zero watter, every website I've been too has worked perfectly well regardless of where it was in the world, even Youtube, isn't Youtube in america?
Yeah, In other words, I see no excuse. I'm sorry.
You see this is why manga is a lot more sellable, you can go into a store and more than likely get a fresh Japanese copy of something at best and the latest US imports at worst. Non of this "Lol, america licence, now you have to stop reading in the UK untill we translate it for every other country in the world even though you speak (one would argue better) Enligsh.