Mohawk52 said:
unellmay said:
I read someone on this site that said Panda Go Panda should get more than a U because you saw the girls underwear (basically the same as seeing a nappy mind you). It's a film about a big panda. Jeez, it clearly deserved a 15.
That would have been me.
Panda go Panda was produced in 1972. Free love, and all that, was the social icon of the time back then. It wasn't so much that they were exposed, it was how she exposed them. :wink: Sadly that is the PC world we live in now. It might be rated U, but it wasn't allowed to be shown in a year R class because of those issues, and others.
I noticed you'd written that Mohawk, but didn't want to fill up the comments box on my own review with a reply.
Frankly, I find it disturbing how much people read into these things. For me Panda was an easy U (not that I support the British Board of F****** C****) and completely innocent. I mentioned the panties because I found it amusing (especially given the infamously suggestive
no-pan shot in Nausicaa) but I worry about people thinking that showing a young girl doing a handstand is sexual... I mean, once people reach a certain age they do tend to look for innuendo in anything, a
'wink wink, nudge nudge, say no more...' kind of approach - but now (perhaps due to this massive, unfounded paedophile fear which has been gripping the nation for a good decade or so) people seem to look for sexual meanings in childrens entertainment and go
'wink wink, nudge nudge, OH HOW AWFUL!'
Paedophilia seems to have taken over from Nazism as the great British pastime*. We constantly say how terrible we think it is but at the same time
we can't stop talking / reading / watching programmes about it!
*Feel free to quote this out of context. Could be fun.