Trinity Blood

Just thought I would tell everyone about a manga I've become hopelessly addicted to.

Trinity Blood is a gothic horror manga (although it says its an action manga on the back) which is new for me but it's a great story about the war between vampires and humans.

It's basically about a travelling priest, Abel, who's a bit of an absentminded fool, but all this is just a disguise to hide the fact he is the Vatican's no. 1 killing machine in the war with vampires, basically a vampire that feeds on other vampires.

The story is set in the future after Armegeddon has destroyed most of humanity and the Church is the new powerhouse. There's a plot surrounding a terrorist vampire group, lots of skullduggery, backstabbing and some really funny moments.

It's gorgously drawn but the most interesting thing is Abel's back story and technology. People in this world refer to 'lost technology' i.e our computers and cruise missiles from an era before the Armegeddon.

Anyway, I was wondering, if anyone else is reading it, four volumes in and I'm liking it. Trinity Blood is meant to be a big franchise in Japan, but there hasn't been much discussion, so I thought I would start the ball rolling here...

M.G xx
Trinity Blood is very intriguing to me, actually! But, I think I'd like to check out the anime instead - how you watched the anime yet? Have does it compare to the manga?
Yeah, I haven't heard too much about Trinity Blood either. I recently got the second volume of the anime but am yet to check it out. Volume one was fairly solid, but didn't prove itself to be anything special so far. Still, Ill stick with it and see.
The concept is very, very appealing to me - I don't really like the Catholic church at all, but I'm still intensely interested in it and it's history; vampires are cool; priests that fight are cool; the world in Trinity Blood sounds very interesting, also! However, I think I'm going to have to wait for a boxset from MVM, because I'm already collecting loads of series. As for the manga, well, just how good is it?
I'm obessed with Trinity Blood and i've read the novels, manga and seen the entire anime :p

CitizenGeek said:
Trinity Blood is very intriguing to me, actually! But, I think I'd like to check out the anime instead - how you watched the anime yet? How does it compare to the manga?

I can tell you its really good but like most gonzo shows turns a bit meh at the end but its worth checking out as it does make things clearer than the manga which I find a bit wtf at points. Plus the anime soundtrack is fairly good.
I have had my eye on this for quite some time, and if I were not already collecting several series already would be watching it! Shall also wait for a box set but might look at the manga first - looks very pretty art work! Would like to know what readers of it make of it and how it might compare to the anime.
The series is incomplete btw, just to let you know, which is why the anime ending sucked, Gonzo ran out of material and as usual made it all up.
I've enjoyed what i've seen of the anime so far (up v3) and would like to know if the manga is worth getting after watching the anime? after watching it does the wtf?ness no longer matter?
Need to dig out my old NEO mag to check but didn't the original creator of Trinity Blood die hence the lack of ending to the original story? Unless that is another anime/manga I am thinking of... So the ending the anime have done isn't very good?
fullmetalrose said:
Need to dig out my old NEO mag to check but didn't the original creator of Trinity Blood die hence the lack of ending to the original story? Unless that is another anime/manga I am thinking of... So the ending the anime have done isn't very good?
Yeah, the original creator died. But the anime is still a GONZOOOO! moment anyway.
Lupus Inu said:
The series is incomplete btw, just to let you know, which is why the anime ending sucked, Gonzo ran out of material and as usual made it all up.

No they didnt, theres two series of novels the anime is based on the first, the reason for the ending being like it is is that the it ends where the frst set of novels does before the story is resolved in the second set.

Incidentally the story isn't incomplete either, just before the time of the anime the novelist died this was after he finished the novels but not long after the manga started leading to some confusion as it was reported on english speaking anime sites and forums that it was based on the manga and the author of that had died.
I have both the anime and the manga and at the moment they are matching up pretty well the manga did have a journey sequence early on that did not appear in the anime.

I like it as a series and my recommendation is if you liked Trigun you should give this a go it has similar storyline and the sense of humour is similar, but I think it is a bit more serious at times. I don’t know if the UK release comes as the standard and special editions, but when I bought the US release I thought the art box was probably one of the best anime boxes I had seen, it is made of a heavy card or MDF and a splits in the middle for like a clam opening.
Crikey! - that was quick, I didn't expect so many responses so soon after starting this thread.

I'm reviewing the Trinity Blood anime at the moment for AUKN and I was impressed by volume 1. Gonzo fans will recognise similar military music and airships from that very wonderful show, Last Exile.

Trinity Blood is very intriguing to me, actually! But, I think I'd like to check out the anime instead - how you watched the anime yet? Have does it compare to the manga?

So far, the anime is promising but it's the manga that's really got me hooked. The politics in the book is intriging. Dont worry, OutlawStar, it's not really about religion it's more about 'what if's' - What if the Vatican was the last hope for humanity? and about manipulation and internal politics within the Vatican, many people have their own agenda for the young pope who frankly is a little bit clueless! I really like the gothic art and the silly moments in the manga. Abel, can be a bit of a fool, but he's a kind hearted fool, so I forgive him!

Yes, the orignal writer of the novel series died a few years ago at a very young age, so I can understand how this might give Gonzo problems with how to tie up a story. Apparently, the creator was actually a lot like Abel, which I think is both fascinating and sad, as I think he would be the kind of person I would have liked to meet one day.

But I read somewhere on the internet that they might be getting another writer to finish off the story. But I will need to go investigate how much of this is true.

I think the manga artist has a bit of creative license with the story as she has added some of her own characters etc, hence why the novels, manga and anime don't always follow the same storyline.

I'm reading the first novel at the moment and it's gripping stuff. I was in London today and I missed my tube stop by about five stops because I was so consumed by the book. Oh well, nevermind...

M.G xx
Must buy the novels and give them a go, although have no idea when I would get to read them (still got all the vampire hunter D to go through) as most of my reading time is taken up with comics, manga and anime because I like the quick hit of those. Maybe I could manage a chapter at lunch time every day.

Abel is very much the same sort of character as Vash in the way he uses comedy to cover a more serious side.
Dracos said:
I have both the anime and the manga and at the moment they are matching up pretty well the manga did have a journey sequence early on that did not appear in the anime.

I like it as a series and my recommendation is if you liked Trigun you should give this a go it has similar storyline and the sense of humour is similar, but I think it is a bit more serious at times. I don’t know if the UK release comes as the standard and special editions, but when I bought the US release I thought the art box was probably one of the best anime boxes I had seen, it is made of a heavy card or MDF and a splits in the middle for like a clam opening.

So far it has struck me as similar to Trigun in more than a few ways.

...but it has vampires 8)
Just finished reading all three novels and I was surprised to see how different the Star of Sorrow story is in novel form compared to the anime and manga, but worth reading.

You learn more about that terrorist vampire group and what there agenda is and a few clues are dropped about how the Armegeddon happened, nearly wiping out all of humanity.

Great read overall.
Agreed the Star of Sorrw story is better in the novel form, seems to hit the right point in my opinion, well worth reading over watching the anime part.
Was watching a trailer for this on the ergo proxy disk 3, and noticed something, theres a character in this that looks a hell of a lot like LUST from FMA, which came out first though, manga wise.
She even has wolverine style blades coming out of her hands, like
lusts killer sharp rope things.
What the hey I got paid yesterday and i think i'll order some of the novels today. So just a couple of questions there seem to be 2 series, rage against the moons and reborn on the mars can the series be read concurrently? or does reborn on the mars spoil too much (although the title seems like a spoiler already). Secondly how are they to read ? (eg is the text large or small?) from how they sound (as light novels) they seem like i'd go through them a bit quickly.