

School Idol
Being a huge fan of the Beeb's recently resurrected Doctor Who series I've been eagerly awaiting the arrival of Torchwood, and after seeing the first two episodes last night, I can honestly say, the wait was more than worth it.

Sure, it looks very cheap and cheerful, but then again, that's always been a crucial part of the 'Who' experience and, personally, I don't think the show would have been half as enjoyable without it. The writing was top-notch, with just the right amount of serious sci-fi, humour, and outright absurdity to keep Who purists happy, but the darker elements give it a very pronounced X-Files/Ultraviolet (that's the C4 mini series not the abortion of a movie) feel. If the remaining 11 episodes are even half as good I'll be very happy indeed. Roll on next Sunday. ;)

Anywho, enough of my rambling, what do you guys think - Torchwood: yay or a nay?
Never really apealed to me.

An alien that feeds of orgasmic energy sounds more like a porn movie :shock:

The acting is good but i'm still more with doctor :cry:
The sex, swearing and violence felt like they were added for the effect (like the swearing in the Charlotte Church Show - not that I watch it) so that was a downer. But the drama and mysery elements were pretty good and there were some chilling moments of dialogue.

It's definately a lot darker than Dr Who and it's much better than Robin Hood so I see nothing wrong in it. Roll on the next episode.
Anyone know if the first eps are gonna be repeated as I forgot this was on tv and ended up missing it.

Not too sure about the characters voices from the trailer they seem a little laughable but hopefully they'll fit better when I see the series itself.
X_nick_X said:
An alien that feeds of orgasmic energy sounds more like a porn movie :shock:
That reminded me of an old vampire film called Lifeforce actually...

I walked in on that bit so asked my dad "What the hell is THAT?!" but the general writup looks quite good. Is it in any way related to Dr Who or what?
McIcy said:
Anyone know if the first eps are gonna be repeated as I forgot this was on tv and ended up missing it.

Not too sure about the characters voices from the trailer they seem a little laughable but hopefully they'll fit better when I see the series itself.

Torchwood is meant to be repeated tonight at half 10 if that helps
i am planning to watch them tonight so hopefully it will be worth watching
Martin said:
I walked in on that bit so asked my dad "What the hell is THAT?!" but the general writup looks quite good. Is it in any way related to Dr Who or what?

Yeah. It's a spin-off (the title 'Torchwood' is in fact an anagram of Doctor Who), but unlike Who, which is pitched at little 'uns and adults alike, it's aimed exclusively at us grown-ups. Imagine early X-Files, but with a slightly goofier feel and you have a good idea of what to expect. It's not revolutionary, but it is plenty of fun and makes a nice change from the usual period guff, and kitchen sink dramas that normally pollute our TV schedules.
Arbalest said:
McIcy said:
Anyone know if the first eps are gonna be repeated as I forgot this was on tv and ended up missing it.

Not too sure about the characters voices from the trailer they seem a little laughable but hopefully they'll fit better when I see the series itself.

Torchwood is meant to be repeated tonight at half 10 if that helps
i am planning to watch them tonight so hopefully it will be worth watching

Brilliant YOU ROCK Arbalest I would have missed it if you hadn't told me, will pass judgement later, now all I need is beer and snacks
Well I'm hooked, absolutely brilliant, love the team and the 'new girls' attitudes to one another.

Also loved Captain Harkness' line about waiting to meet the right 'Doctor'.

Can't wait to see this weeks episode now
Rukario said:
I watched it and I didn't really like it... it just seemed so... boring.

Good to see you weighing in with your usual brand of incisive, and constructive criticism. In future I suggest if you don't have anything worthwhile to add to the discussion don't bother adding anything at all, lest you continue to make yourself look like an attention seeking dolt.

Personally, I thought this week's episodes was the best of the bunch. It was nice to see the writers developing Owen's character beyond the one-dimensional, Jack-the-lad we saw in episodes one and two. By the end of the episode he'd gone from simple comic relief to a character really worth caring about. Hopefully as the series continues the rest of the supporting cast, i.e. everyone who isn't Gwen or Jack, will get similar treatment.
Stuart said:
Rukario said:
I watched it and I didn't really like it... it just seemed so... boring.

Good to see you weighing in with your usual brand of incisive, and constructive criticism. In future I suggest if you don't have anything worthwhile to add to the discussion don't bother adding anything at all, lest you continue to make yourself look like an attention seeking dolt.

How was I attention seeking? I was basically stressing my opinion, it seems a good solid show, but it just never dragged me in. I'm not always as negative about things as you say. ;/
Not great, although the only episode I've seen had no sex or swearing in it.

A bit stereotypical and predictable, plus a bit silly how they all saw that people were going to die in a certain place but they all still went there.
I watched the first episode, good for a first episode, sets up everything.
Watched second episode and couldn't finish it its boring.
its contrived, well to me. it just felt they we trying to bump up the adult facto r by having lots of sex and lots of violence.
I got the third episdoe and it was brillant. You could see the end but not the meens to it, fantastic.

I'm a tad concerned about the whole fembot Cyberman thing for ep 4 though.