Top 10 favorite games

My 10 favorite/memorable video games

couldn't possibly choose and order so heres the top 10.

- Sensible Soccer (Mega Drive)
Is till play this game often, me and my friends were addicted to this game for over a decade with our custom teams, long live Luke United FC
- Halo: Combat Evolved (xbox)
Arguably the best game ever, i adored it
- Metal Gear Solid (PS1)
I was obsessed with this game when it first came out and waited ages for it, such a cracking storyline with twists and turns, spent days on end on it. Shame the sequels killed the realism.
- Final Fantasy VII (PS1)
It's FF7 what hasn't been said already.
- Pokemon red (Gameboy)
Jeez if i could count the hours i played on this game when i was younger, imported it from the US early i wanted it that bad, bloody loved it, i was so unbeatable and i didn't cheat lol
- Streets of Rage (Mega Drive)
all the streets of rage games i adored, 2 player co-op with friends was ace i miss this series.
- Grand Theft Auto 3 (PS2)
Beating up granny's and townsfolk alike for the first time in 3d with decent graphics i'd never seen anything liek it back int he day, i was amazied and just couldn't stop laughing, huge game so much to do so many ways to mow people over lol. Still my fave of the series.
- Championship Manager 97/98 (PC)
edit player <3 lol i think i spent nealy 3 weeks of my life hours wise on this game as a kid. I had a friend who once played till his manager profile age was over 100 lol
- Halo 3 (360)
a beautiful homage to halo 1 and an awesome game in its own right, the days i waited for this and the feeling i felt when i first got the disc ( a day early) in my hands...pure g33kdom lol
- Legend of Zelda 2: The Adventure of Link (Nes)
i begged my parents for this when i was like 6, gold cartridge and all, couldn't finish it then, still can't finish it now lol still love it.[/b]
1 ) Final Fantasy VII (Nuff Said)

2 ) Civilisation (Countless days wasted playing this supream stratagy game)

3 ) Xcom UFO/TFTD (One of the best turn based stratagy games ever made)

4 ) Comand and Conquer (simply briliant stratagy war simulator)

Im starting to see a very stratagy based connection here 8)

5 ) Pokemon (Loved this game as a kid)

6 ) ToeJam and Earl (Great two player game, loads of fun)

7 ) Alex the Kid (One of the first games i ever played)

8 ) Alterd Beast (Favourite game by far many a year ago)

9 ) Diablo 2 (spent ages leveling my warrior 'Grizzly Archons' in this clasic game)

10 ) Gouls and Goblins or ghosts cant remember exact title (Wasted my very early youth and poket money playing this in local arcade as a kid)

Theres many more that I could add to this list but those are the ones I rememberd first so thats why they got into this topic 8)
I could never pull together a top 10 for my favourite games. But some of my favourites include FFVIII and the 3 halos. my top 10 changes all the time depending on the time era, I can remember I loved Tenken tag tournament when I got a PS2, but now I hate tekken and have gone to Dead or Alive. But FFVIII will always remain my no. 1. Its probs not even that good anymore, I just remember it being awsome....
Either theres lots of young people here or your just all enjoy 'newer ' games. But anyway heres my top 10.

1. The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time (N64) [One of the greatest games ever made, Peroid.]

2. Quake (PC) [I never get bored of it! NEVER! I dont know what it is with quake. The graphics, the atmosphere all works perfectly!)

3. Doom (PC) [Landmark game that i first played on a i mean PC!]

4. Super Mario World (Snes) [The greatest mario game in history. Has the perfect balance of difficulty and i just love everything about it.]

5. Age of Empires (PC) [The best RTS ever made. I played the demo back in 97 for weeks and weeks, it was so original and refreshing in comparison to Civ2!]

6. Super Mario 64 (N64) [The ultimate 3d platformer. I cant think where i'd be today without this game.]

7. Alex Kidd in Miracle World (Sega Master System) [Genius game. Beats sonic hands down, and in most cases it came with the master system!!]

8. Goldeneye 007 (N64) [Awesome multiplayer!!]

9. Super Street Fighter II (Snes) [im sure i still have pains in my fingers from playing this game far to much]

10. Halo (Xbox) [The first one was fantastic, Graphically and story wise it was an epic game although the 2nd was a bit ****.]
In No Real Order

1. Tekken
2. Soul Calibor
3. Dead or Alive
4. Street Fighter
5. Grand Theft Auto
6. Pokemon Handheld Games
7. Crazy Taxi
8. Golden Axe
9. Streets of Rage
10. Alex Kidd
In no real order

1. Tales of Symphonia - Okay, so this is in order, it's my number 1 game EVER. I will never get sick of this game ever, I absolutley love it! It's also what lured me back into videogames after about 2 years out of them.

2. Phoenix Wright - I can't pick between 1 or 2 because I love them both, the trials and clue searching is fun, and the characters are all just great!

3. Skies of Arcadia - I think this was my first proper RPG, oh how I loved it. It seems rather ...cliche, but I love it for that. The gameplay is relaxed and not too hard, but at the same time enjoyable :)

4. The Legend of Zelda;Ocarina of Time - I used to play this every single day when I was younger, I loved it, I'd even watch my Dad play it when he did. It was brilliant.

5. Tales of the Abyss - I have admittedly only played this once, but wow did I ever love it. The characters were just as great as the ones in Tales of Symphonia. The story was great, the gameplay, the characters, the sidequests, and I thought the ending was just fantastic, I can't wait to play it again when I go to America in December.

6. Final Fantasy VIII - Seemingly the most disliked FF? (Maybe apart from Crystal Chronicles?) I love it though, I like the characters, the story and all that. I have admittedly not actually fully finished it, because I suck, but I've "played" it about 8 times now and I never get sick of playing it through again and again.

7. Final Fantasy X - My first Final Fantasy, of course it's on this list, I love it, I'm also currently replaying it and it was just as fun as the first time I played it. The visuals are still stunning. And I still prefer it's battle style and "grid system" thingie than any of the previous ones, or FFXII's one.

8. Jet Set Radio - Awesome music, totally fun gameplay, a classic.

9. Shenmue - I'm still hoping for a 3rd game! Even if it's not looking like it's possible. It may seem ..boring but I liked going around Ryo's hometown and asking about who killed his father and why, there was just something about it.

10. Soleil - Does ANYONE know or remember this game on the megadrive? Because I have never met anyone who does, nor can I find it anywhere anymore (AGH. My cousin sold it D: It was his but ...I would play it when I was over at his house) It was like Zelda but you had these animals that you used as tools, like I think one was a boomerang and so on, it was fun. Sonic also made a small cameo, hehe. It's included because I remember spending lots of rainy days at my cousins house just playing it, and loving all of it.
Sami said:
10. Soleil - Does ANYONE know or remember this game on the megadrive? Because I have never met anyone who does, nor can I find it anywhere anymore
It's here: <a href="">*Megadrive Game Soleil*</a>

thund3r said:
Either theres lots of young people here or your just all enjoy 'newer ' games.
Not all of us fit into that category :D -->
minister3333 said:
In no particular order........ <br>FIFA 94 (Megadrive).<br>Speedball 2 (Megadrive & Master System II)<br>Populous (Master System II)
Hmm, top ten, i'm not a huge gamer so i'll probably struggle for ten, but the games i have played and that have really made an impact on me i'll list!

Sooo i think...

1. I'll have to agree with thund3r, i love ocarina of time so that holds my first place!
2. Has to be WoW *cringes* kinda held me captive for 2 years!
3. Super Mario Bro's 3!
4. Ducktails!!! I can't remember what this was on, christ i think it was the nes!
5. Now then, there was a game, and you like built statues to the Gods and stuff...I think it was called civilisation!!

Wow, 5, i really need more to play more games!!
1.Resident Evil 2
2.Naruto ultimate ninja (sorry i had to put it in!)
3.Final Fantasy X
4.Final Fantasy X-1
5.Legend of Zelda Twilight princess
6.Phoenix Wright
7.Pokemon (i'm sorry its a classic!)
8.Crash Bandicoot
9.Street Fighter
10.Grand theft auto
(Re)Memorable you say? Then I'll avoid listing my favourite games as far as possible.

I remember Team Fortress 2 quite well. I was playing it last night.
Alex Kidd in Miracle World is the first game I ever remember playing.
I know Sonic the Hedgehog 2 better than I know my Grandparents.
Homeworld was something really unique for Strategy games.
Dynamite Heddy is probably one of the weirdest games i've ever played. One of the hardest too.
System Shock is memorable for being the oldest PC game i've ever played and completed for the first time 10 years after release. Damn that was ugly.
Half-Life 2 was engineered to burn itself into your mind, though its own pre-release videos were arguably as memorable as the finished product.
Thinking back to 1999, everyone remembers that they first went Godlike in Unreal Tournament by sitting on top of one of the Facing Worlds towers and head-shotting bots to death for longer than healthy. They also remember trying to do the same thing online and getting completely torn apart by everyone else who had the same idea.
Thanks to The Secret of Monkey Island, I know that adventure games don't have to include platform sections, and are not complete and utter crap.
We Love Katamari further lightened the interior design of my brain with Royal Rainbows.

LukasROAR said:
Halo: Combat Evolved (xbox)
Arguably the best game ever
So long as you played the half that wasn't the other other, yes.

Oh wait...
Top 10.

Well for each genre (each game counting individually as 1/10) it'd have to be:
Adventure: Crash Bandicoot. Such an old game from such a simple time.
Action/Adventure (It is different :p): Half-Life 2
FPS: Rainbow Six: Vegas, my favourite game (at least at the moment).
Stealth action: Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory. After playing the others in the series, I'd say it's the best one. 'Specially cos you're in Japan :p.
Strategy: Red alert 2 and Age of Kings.
Role Playing: Fallout, Fallout 2, Final Fantasy VII and VIII. And this isn't my favourite genre I just remember them well, but in my opinion with RPGs they're either good, or seriously bad.