Toonami closed down by Turner UK; replaced by pre-school TV

Beast Boy was the rocker of them all.

I don't mind 'The League of Superheroes', which is not anime related strictly speaking but has to do with DC Comics and they have to do with Teen Titans.

Like the way i linked that up.
ding dong the witch is dead! which old witch.. yadda yadda yadda

Seriously now toonami has needed to go the way of old yella for awhile now, and heck, this "old toonami shows" sounds like its pretty promising. Looks like Cartoon Network Too might actually be like the Old CN. Watchable!
More baby tv

So i suppose that report on children under 3 watching tv is bad for them isn't going to affect society much :roll:
Jayme said:
But its Grim, all of this could change with the 'High Talks' about bringing Animax to the United Kingdom.

Well, when there is a good side, there are always a bad side. I wish Toonami UK were like the US, then it would've lived longer.
The way I'm to understand it, CNToo will merge with Toonami and stay CNToo, taking Toonami's slot and losing it's Cartoonito programing which will stay on CNToo's old slot
So in short it'll look a bit like this on Sky:

601: Cartoon Network
602: Cartoon Network Too (Takes Toonami's EPG and part of it's programing and becomes 24 hour)
621: Boomerang + 1
622: Cartoonito (Takes CNToo's EPG# and Timeings (3a - 7p)

One Piece, given that Funimation are aiming for PG cut, will probably be not picked up if Turner looked at how Naruto got boned by Offcom's nonsence and thus that's a non issue.
Rameez16 wrote:
this totally sucks. it was one of my favorite channels, i hope they make a new anime channel.

Animax, End of....

We still don't know when this is going to happen

Yes it does look like Toonami will be replaced by a preschool channel.

Well the only things I really missed were DB Z, Tenchi, Rave Master and Pokemon. I can't renember any other animes... oh yes Outlaw Star during night at 10:30. But resently they have been puting rubbish on then I knew it was going to go.
Wasn' t it reported here that Toonami was sold to Channel 5 a few months ago? With all the preschool channels that are free to view, meaning without subscription, I can not see what good another one will be, especially if the channel stays subscription only. Besides using the TV as a babysitter is majorly frowned upon by all these paedeatric psychologists who have been giving their reported findings to the Health Minister lately. I won't miss Toonami really. It was good when it was CNX but Turner never invested any money into it anyway which is the reason it failed to survive. It makes me wonder why they even wasted the money to start the channel in the first place.
Chrono Demon said:
Great, So what does that mean for One peice and Pokemon, they are going to be snatched up by Jetix?
Pokemon will proberly end up on CN or CNToo. Infact, I heard that the 8th and 9th films are to be shown on the 24th. ;)
Just seen the ad on Toonami, although its going offline all its anime shows will be moving to CNTOO and to start the transfer off will be showing the latest Pokemon Movie
Re: Toonami closed down by Turner UK; replaced by pre-school

Paul said:
Toonami is likely to be replaced by the pre-school targeted Cartoonito, a young childrens block of a programming that will be expanded from its strand on Cartoon Network Too.
I wonder if Five are doing themselves any favours with this decision. The pre-school channel arena is already getting pretty crowded. I just checked the "Kids" (hears voice of nephew insisting he isn't a baby goat) band on the Sky EPG and there is CBeebies, Nick Junior, Tiny Pop, Disney Playhouse, Nick Jr 2, Baby TV and Babytime. Are there enough pre-schoolers to go round? Perhaps they think it is a cash cow.
Maybe they were pissed off because of the anime on tv nowadays.

Another infant channel. Do they have enough? My baby Cousin is happy with the ones that are already airing.
Re: Toonami closed down by Turner UK; replaced by pre-school

Ginji said:
(hears voice of nephew insisting he isn't a baby goat)
Smart nephew you got there.

My stance? As long as we finaly get Animax or whatever, who the f*** cares about the infant chanels (Dogtanian put me in far better stead than Teletubbies or any other such nonsence would have).
Toonami is CNToo and Cartoonito is in TNToo's olde place.

And guess what else, Pokemon The Movie 9 is playing, Such a surprise.
all i can say is, *sarci voice* oh great another great learning block for little kiddies.

what the hell is happening to this world. i wish they would just put some kool anime on TV.
Why the hell CNTOO exist, its no different from CN. Oh wow, Pokemon. Justice League and Loonatics makes CNTOO different from CN except for one fact, most of the shows you can watch on CN.

SHockingly, Jetix is now getting its good share of shows (Bobobo and Naruto, with Digimon Savers coming on at the end of the year).

CN sucks too much ¬¬

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