Titan Books - Eden


Can anyone tell me what's going on with them?

They release manga in the UK, but I can't tell how far they've gone with Eden. The prices jump on online stores after the first 6-7 volumes; the RRPs being £8, DH ones.

Play.com have vol. 7 onwards (only a few volumes) listed as pre-orders. Amazon have no stock for 8, 9, etc. TBD are asking for £6.50+. What the hell!?
I was following the UK release until it stalled at volume 6. As far as I know, the seventh book never came out. In the US Eden hasn't sold well, Dark Horse slowing the release schedule to two books a year, so I would hazard a guess that low sales are the reason for Titan dropping it like a brick.
I looked at Titan's website last and night and that does seem to be the case. They only have the first seven books listed, and the seventh was due out at the end of 2008... :/

The good news is that the spines of the Dark Horse releases should look very similar. If OMG is anything to go by, Titan try to mirror the US releases as much as possible. The bad news is, Dark Horse releases always cost a lot, and volume nine appears to be OOS everywhere in the UK.

At least volume six turned up today, meaning I own one-third of the series now. That's good. I'm not sure where the **** my Tanpenshu books are supposed to be, or my SS packages, but at least Eden made it.
That's a pain, I just received volume 3 today and always assumed it must have been doing pretty well, as I've seen it up to volume 12. I should have added that into my criteria of which manga's to collect. There's nothing worse than having to wait a long time for a release. Especially with mangas, since you can get through them pretty quick & always left wanting more.

Hmm, I guess I could leave this as my once a month read but for me, it seems like the one I'm most likely to get into heavily.

How annoying, they're up to volume 12 in the US, I assume and they only need to release 6 more before the series ends. Hmm, maybe I'll just read a couple of shorter series like Pluto & Old boy so that they can release a few more Eden's as I was going to bulk buy.
From the time volume 12 was released, it'll be three years before DH complete the series, and with Titan seemingly dropping it we - in the UK - will have to pay even more than those in the US for DH manga. 'Tis annoying.

The manga isn't even complete on the net. 117/127 chapters have been translated, and the last was translated 44 days ago. With slow translations - both official and unofficial - catching up right now might not be the best plan... :/ Too bad I'm already eight volumes in.

Eden certainly isn't something you want to stop for a month and then resume. It hasn't been headache inducing just yet, but I read that it becomes complex in the last half. Complex + time gaps = bad, unless you're a rather large animal with a trunk.
Yeah, I get the feeling that reading a volume a month is just gonna leave me confused and wondering what's going on.

Ah damnit, I guess I'll have to put it on the backseat for now. Read a couple of short series and I have plenty of catching up to do with GTO & Berserk.

Eden, like 20th Century Boys, is probably one to read when you have the entire series available.
Considering, after being on the verge of 10ing it, I've semi-dropped it after the events of volume ten (ironic...), you might not be missing that much if you A) buy the first eight volumes and forget its existence or B) wait a few years.

If you haven't already, order Tanpenshu: Endo's collection of short stories. It's two volumes long and, though expensive, well worth the £££. At least you can complete that, unlike Eden.
I think I'll reluctantly go with B.

I feel a little put off by Gantz & MPD Psycho, which were on my tentative list to start with. I'll probably definately replace Eden with a shorter series.

I'm fairly new to manga, I'll have to check out Tanpenshu. Other than that, probably either Pluto, Old Boy or possibly Sanctuary.
I'm also green myself when it comes to manga. You, like me, are aiming for the good, highly rated and mature/dark ****. The only difference is that I've been focusing on very short, 1-4 volume titles before moving onto the bigger fish.

Buy Tanpenshu/download it. Seriously. The last (proper), two chapter is one of the best I've ever seen. Period. Tanpenshu is what convinced me about Endo's talent. It's worth buying the volumes for alone. The books look very nice, to, and they should arrive sealed.

Go get: http://www.find-book.co.uk/search.aspx? ... type=title

Also, get this at some point, also - we all need some 70's horror manga in our collections. Why not enjoy seeing pre-teens get killed? Annoying little gits...

Link: http://www.find-book.co.uk/search.aspx? ... type=title

...Oh, and happy xmas, person who asked for Bleach advice and did whatever. :)
Yep, you're exactly right. I'm pretty much focusing on the best that I can get when it comes to manga. A good, dark, complex story is imperative. I guess Monster fits that category but I think I'd rather see the anime. If I had the choice on something (provided it ends properly), I'll probably always choose anime over manga.

I'll check Tanpenshu out. I need to limit myself so I think shorter series are the way to go for the time being but I'm still gonna keep my core 3 longer series.

Merry Christmas, for however long that's left of it.