ilmaestro said:
VivisQueen said:
In my view, if any media portrays children - animated or not - engaging in sexual acts for the purpose of titillating the audience, that material should be illegal. If it is clearly not an adult and it's meant to sexually arouse the audience, it shouldn't exist.
why? And duties to
whom? The drawings?
I will admit, my argument is not so much in strict adherence to human rights theory etc as it is just a personal ramble about my thoughts and views. However, I can clarify a couple of points.
When we talk about rights and corresponding duties, this is what is meant:
I have a right not to be tortured.
You therefore have a duty not to waterboard me, screw my thumbs, rip out my fingernails, lock me up in a dark room etc.
There is truth in the fact that in owning those mangas, Handley isn't directly harming an actual person. But I wonder about the general rights of children not to be depicted and legitimised as sexual objects. The depictions may not be of real children, but they are of children being sexually abused, raped, degraded, and tortured. This might not harm an actual child in the moment, but the creation and publication of such material will have knock-on effects e.g. it encourages a morally wrong attitude towards children and it may lead to people acting on it.
It's not absolutely true in every case (I don't adhere to the hypodermic syringe model of media influence). I mean, lots of people watch porn but don't then go and reenact those scenes. But pornography, real or animated, has been shown to lead to the debasement and objectification of women in the eyes of society in a general sense.
So, it does depend on what you consider real harm of actual people. I don't think media should always have artistic value but there still has to be an element of social responsibility. I can't say for certain where and when and how, but I know it has to be there.
I'll also reveal my bias. I'm in West Africa as I type this volunteering for a women and children's rights organisation. I'm going to sit in a case conference this afternoon. I don't know how many more stories about physical, sexual, and psychological abuse of women and children I'll be hearing. This organisation is constantly fighting for the rights and freedoms of children using domestic and international human rights law. For some pratt to get caught with virtual depictions of child abuse
for entertainment and try to argue on the basis of those same laws for his 'freedom of speech' just makes me roll my eyes.
NB: The above doesn't touch on how such cases should be handled legally, but it explains why I couldn't give a flying f*** what happens to him.