This South Park censorship controversy.


Baka Ranger
I imagine most of you would have heard from the news reels or whatever about what's been going on with South Park lately. If not, I'll explain a bit: South Park, for its 200th episode, brought in several aspects from its most controversial episodes, and this included the Prophet Mohammed (originally censored in Cartoon Wars). A while after the episode aired, the creators got one of them 'Death Threats That Aren't Actually Death Threats', which is quite scary and appalling. Anyway, Comedy Central's reaction to this was censoring every mention of the Prophet Mohammed in its latest episode, on Wednesday in the states. Some information here, including the creators response. Jon Stewart also has had his say on the matter.

The fact that makes me make this thread, apart from, hopefully, some people finding it interesting, is that Comedy Central UK - our freaking channel has decided to pull the latest episode that was due to air tonight over this. And that's frakked me right off.
I could rant for hours about just how retarded the idea is that muslim's go ragemode over a physical depiction of muhammed but i won't. All i can say to this is it's dumb and that the latest ep shouldn't have been taken of air.
Annoying. Comedy Central should listen to the message against censorship that the cartoon wars episodes gave.

Christian extremists complain all the time about various depictions that offend their religion but no one listens :p. Muslim extremists do the same and the world stops turning >.<.
So.. I watched the follow up episode, and it was good as an another special tribute incorporating everything they've ever done but they bleeped out the entire freaking "moral-of-the-week" that South Park is so good at - literally, there were about four characters talking over the period of about two-three minutes and it was all bleeped. Ludicrous beyond belief.

Not to mention how frakking irritating Mohammed being bleeped was.

I shall eagerly await an uncensored repeat once this stupidity settles down.
Muslims need to learn that South Park just likes to take the piss out of everyone, i guess they're not used to it and overreact like half the christians did when Black Sabbath was touring the US
Asdrubael said:
Christian extremists complain all the time about various depictions that offend their religion but no one listens :p. Muslim extremists do the same and the world stops turning >.<.
This is the thing. It isn't Muslims who are at fault but the people who pander to extremists of any belief by taking them seriously; Presumably because they have this skewed, inaccurate view of Muslims as a real physical threat. Just take the piss out of the extremists and they'll soon be taken down a few notches, at least in the minds of the public at large. On that note, I'm looking forward to seeing Four Lions.
I just think it is getting stupid really its a cartoon no matter what they do it can not be that bad really