This site needs help...

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Paul has put it pretty straight and i agree were here to discuss anime if you want big political debates I've seen plenty of forums and will happily recommend you a couple.
Well if the majority of people want a certain feature it's my opinion that the Webmaster should at least try and attempt to cater to those needs, I understand that this is Paul's website and that he wants things done a certain way, but this place wouldn't be anywhere without the community.
Doberman Pharaoh said:
Well if the majority of people want a certain feature it's my opinion that the Webmaster should at least try and attempt to cater to those needs, I understand that this is Paul's website and that he wants things done a certain way, but this place wouldn't be anywhere without the community.

Majority of people? I've seen you and a couple of others. Three out of 1160 isn't a majority. Also, I have to take issue with your comment about how "this place wouldn't be anywhere without the community": correction, this place wouldn't be anywhere without the people who are working on and writing for it. The community is a result of our work, not the other way around.

If you honestly want to see this forum created, then create a poll somewhere and collect a decent vote. Honestly, I'm not crazy about the idea because it further abstracts threads into smaller sub-forums, so we'll ultimately end up with a bunch of forums that maybe one or two people use rather than one big one that everyone will use.
I am strongly against this idea of another sub forum for more adult threads and i've made my points clear in my previous posts. Why is there a need for a sub forum specifically for a more debate themed thread. What is wrong with it going in general chat and people just acting like adults, do people really need to have authority slapped on them so they can talk about other issues.

I also stand with Paul on this matter. Anime UK News is anime first and foremost, if you want to talk about more real world issues then goto general chat.
I really, really like the way these forums are run. Some sites have really heavy moderation and heavy moderation is just ridiculous - it's only really needed for a forum that's targetted at silly little kids that like Pokémon. Paul does a fine job and you, Chrono Demon, are indeed making a mountain of a mole hill. :D
I'm going to kill this thread now. I think it's good to for people to have their say every so often (all forums seem to have these threads every few months) but it's now dragging out and going over the same old stuff. If you have any more comments on what you would like to see change, then by all means send me a PM and I'll get back to you ASAP. We can always use new ideas, criticism and general feedback.
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