This site needs help...

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Stand User
Yes, and quick... And here are my reasons.

1. People abused the signatures by putting in Images, which the rules state not to... people did not listen, and the sigs got banned

2. People are insulting each other in a few topics, like the Bebo one...

3. People are spamming by putting one word in, and I can show you billion of topics (excluding the Forum game section) that is only one word or two...

We need more Moderators, and the only people who seem to be punishing others are Paul.

Paul can't do this by himself, and in that, there are people who abusing the freedom because Paul isn't here 24/7.

So more moderators please, so we can cut down on this madness.
I see what you mean most of this has been happening in the bebo topic. A few more moderaters would help the forums a lot and give paul a bit more time to do other things.
Here's the problem with that - over the years, Paul has made lots of the more prominent, thoughtful posters moderators, whereupon many promptly disappeared for various reasons. This isn't that unusual on other forums either - once reading posts becomes a responsibility rather than something you can just do casually for a bit of fun, the motivation to log on tends to drop.

Thus the current policy of hoping everyone gets along without the need for moderators. It's a somewhat fragile policy, but by and large it has seemed to work so far. Plus, on the subjects of posts lacking in content, it's usually been permitted here as long as people still contribute occasionally.

Also, I'm not bothered by sigs being removed. We didn't need them anyway.
Since the board abuse is strikingly low when compared to a LOT of other forums, wouldn't the easiest solution be to temporarily ban the users? :?

Another moderator could get the job done aswell though, I guess.
You're making a mountain out of a mole hill.

Chrono Demon said:
Paul can't do this by himself, and in that, there are people who abusing the freedom because Paul isn't here 24/7.

Paul is more than capable of running this forum, it is the attitude of others that needs to be changed. Rather than more people to run the forum how about the users shun those arguing and posting one word replies. Simply appointing more moderators is NOT the answer.
I knda like the freedom on here of not having to weorry about being spanked by multiple moderators although I actually thought Paul was the only one, although I will agree that at times we could do with someone to step in and calm down some of the threads.

But all in all we seem to moderate ourselves well enough true there are a few fights but not enough to need a new breed of moderators released here
Ramadahl said:
Here's the problem with that - over the years, Paul has made lots of the more prominent, thoughtful posters moderators, whereupon many promptly disappeared for various reasons. This isn't that unusual on other forums either - once reading posts becomes a responsibility rather than something you can just do casually for a bit of fun, the motivation to log on tends to drop.

You hit the nail on the head. I still regret that we lost four or five great posters because I gave them too much responsibility. Back then I was trying to emphasize the idea of "Community Captains", people that the newer users can aspire to, but it never really worked out that way, mainly because, like you said, people are either crushed by the responsibility or go in the opposite direction, demand more power and eventually grow frustrated. I won't make the same mistake again.

I don't think we need moderation in the anime or manga forums because I browse them quite frequently. The thing is though that I don't usually venture into the likes of "Random Chit-Chat", so if an argument does kick-off in there, most likely I can't respond as fast as I would like.

It's like when people were throwing around an insult like "faggot" and it obviously offended skikes. Just reading that thread, it was out of order. If I could have gotten to it sooner, it wouldn't have kicked off, but instead it makes it seem like I'm somehow discriminating because I let it rage on for as long as it did.

That's where I stand on this moderation issue. If I were to appoint a new one, it would be in the off-topic area.
Geez if you think there's a lot of fights here, you seriously need to check some other forums out. This one is probably the calmest forum I go to.
granted a few battles have started lately but as said above i wouldn't say we're falling apart

besides paul knows if theres any trouble makers he can just move them into the character battles arena and i can sort them out ^^
Ryo Chan said:
besides paul knows if theres any trouble makers he can just move them into the character battles arena and i can sort them out ^^

Nah, that would just end in rigging and my favourite person getting booted out :lol:
Link100p said:
Nothing wrong with Paul. Now days it seems that most of my posts are deleted.

When that happens does you're post count go down?

Back on topic
I like the non heavily moderated sense we have here.

But one thing makes me ashamed is that quite of the few locked posts that have been around; i usually have made some type of statement in it, Be it for or against. I just like to post xD.
Link100p said:
Nothing wrong with Paul. Now days it seems that most of my posts are deleted.

You mean the posts where you try to incite arguments? I delete any posts that I deem are offensive or that are intended to disturb the peace. I'm all for a good debate, but can't really be bothered with bitching and attempts at "forum wars". Go elsewhere if you want to push your aggression online, crap like 4Chan or some other black hole for the mindless.
Don't think you need new moderators or though theres been a drama increase it's not on a 4chan scale.
Problem with mods are either the power goes to there head or they screw this and go of.
Plus,people end up worshiping them and then you get the wannabe mods and then you get the whole runescape forum feel(read there forum honestly.)

If people are really getting destressed about this how about a flaging option like youtube there a button you press it and the whole post becomes like a spoiler

like this

Then it goes to pauls cp and if paul thinks it unaceptable he deletes it simple and if not removes it.
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Paul said:
Link100p said:
Nothing wrong with Paul. Now days it seems that most of my posts are deleted.

You mean the posts where you try to incite arguments? I delete any posts that I deem are offensive or that are intended to disturb the peace. I'm all for a good debate, but can't really be bothered with bitching and attempts at "forum wars". Go elsewhere if you want to push your aggression online, crap like 4Chan or some other black hole for the mindless.
I don't_try_to incite arguments. I just voice my opinions on things, people and anything I see fit to. That's what life is discussion.

It's all about 7chan, 4chan is stupid but can be funny.
The site is running fine at the moment, ok with the occasional battle here and there, but its not too much too handle for Paul. If he does feel the need for moderators later, then he'll appoint some. I think Chris still comes on from time to time anyway.
Link100p said:
Ryo Chan said:
voicing opinions is fine if you do it without offending people, religions or beliefs
Opinions are going to offend someone.

No, only if you're sloppy. Basically, if you can't voice your opinion without resorting to blunt offense and veiled attempts to incite bitching then all you are is a troll. And whether or not you mean it, that's the feeling I get from some of your posts.
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