I'm not overly keen on Kazé UK's policies on locking content in every way possible so I won't be interested in theirs until after release, when it's been reviewed and found to be of the same standard I had expected from my (no longer on order) Sentai version. There has been sadly very little evidence to date that our being in a different region is anything but a disadvantage for us. And I'm starting to think that the reason so many exports from the US to the UK are being banned is to protect other foreign distributors rather than Japan itself, which again smacks of control and puts me off supporting the show when I can instead just buy something else and be treated like a customer rather than a sucker.
I really hate this, and worry about the implications of the logic that making things worse for buyers is going to stop home video sales from slowing to a crawl. Aniplex and co are just racing to alienate their most devoted customer bases outside Japan entirely as quickly as possible.
I really hate this, and worry about the implications of the logic that making things worse for buyers is going to stop home video sales from slowing to a crawl. Aniplex and co are just racing to alienate their most devoted customer bases outside Japan entirely as quickly as possible.